Perceptions of Non-Using College Students’ Likelihood to Use Nonprescription or Prescription Stimulants, Judith Frazier
Improving the Accuracy of Medical Records in Healthcare Institutions, Tarkessa Frazier
Parents’ Perspectives on Nutrition They Provide for Their Preschool Children, Jamari Chavon Fredenburg
Examining Experiences and Perspectives of Educators Teaching Employment Skills to Transitioning Students With Disabilities, Denise Michelle Frelot
The Relative Strength of Social Media Use, Social Comparison Orientation, and Materialistic Values on Self-Worth, Jeanine Frost
A correlational study of technical and social factors that affect agile software project success, Christopher Joel Fry
The Moderating Effect of Race on the Relationship Between Perceived Supervisor Support and Burnout Amongst Public Health Workers, Douglas Diontay Gaffney, Jr
The Relative Strength of Social Dominance Orientation, Belief in a Just World, and Colorblind Racial Attitudes in Predicting Support for Race-Based College-Admission Affirmative Action Policies, Allison Nicole Gaines
High School Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of Achieve3000 as a Literacy Proficiency Intervention, Cameron Ashley Gaines
Experiences of Outpatient Mental Health Counselors Building Relationships with Clients During COVID-19 in Michigan, Paulette Gaines
Clinical Nurse Manager Fatigue and Its Personal and Professional Impacts, Carlene Galanopulo
Defining the Hospital Social Worker’s Role and Geriatric Depression, Cara M. Galob
Mitigating the Impact of Remote Work Challenges on Employee Productivity, michael gamble
Teachers’ Experience with the Implementation of Response to Intervention, Laura Lynette Gamboa
Latino Young Adults’ Experiences as Children and Adolescents With Incarcerated Parents, Anna Garcia
Police Officers’ Coping Styles and Occupational Stressors Impacting Self-Regulation in Adult Offspring, Dannie Analese Garcia
Mexican American Men Who Have Sex with Men: Cultural Factors and Substance Use, Michael L. Garcia
Mexican American Men Who Have Sex with Men: Cultural Factors and Substance Use, Michael L. Garcia
School Counselor's Experiences in Providing Services to High School Students Enrolled in Accelerated Academic Programs, Pamela Denise Gardner
School Counselor's Experiences in Providing Services to High School Students Enrolled in Accelerated Academic Programs, Pamela Denise Gardner
Quality of Life Changes in Middle-Aged Men After an Acute Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury, angela J. garner
Transformative Learning Experiences of Secondary Alternative School Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Erin Marie Garrant
Comparison by Race/Ethnicity and Social Determinants of Health in Early Postpartum Maternal Morbidities, Cynthia Joy Garringer
Workplace Climate and Culture Experiences of Black LGBTQ Public School K-12 Educators, Sidney Gaskins
Successful Strategies of Small Business Owners of Coffee Shops, Tom Gates