Date of Conferral
Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
Social Work
Alex Casiano
Hospital readmissions, compliance issues, increased long-term nursing home placements, and social determinants of health are significant concerns that burden the hospital inpatient industry. A notable factor that may impact these outcomes is the surprisingly high rates of depression in older adults. In various settings, social workers have historically provided clinical assessments and interventions for people suffering from depression. This study examines how clinical social workers can be utilized in a hospital inpatient setting to identify and treat older adults suffering from major depression. Social work interventions can positively impact many hospitals' long-term goals, such as improving the patient experience, achieving long-term health outcomes, and reducing the length of stay and hospital readmissions. However, in the hospital setting, social workers' job scope is narrower, with a strong emphasis on discharge planning, which has overshadowed their clinical skills. This is due to the ever-increasing demand to meet hospital length of stay. Despite that, social workers can play a crucial role in addressing depression in older adults and improving patient outcomes in the hospital.
Recommended Citation
Galob, Cara M., "Defining the Hospital Social Worker’s Role and Geriatric Depression" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16695.