Relationship Satisfaction Among Married or Cohabitating Heterosexual and Homosexual Couples in the State of Hawaii, Adrianna Marie Flavin
The Relationship Between Adult Attachment Style and Stress Coping Skills to College Graduation, Renee M. Ford
Stakeholders' Roles in Prioritizing Technical and Vocational Education and Training in PostConflict Liberia, Edward S. Forh
Prediction of Air Traffic Controller Trainee Selection and Training Success Using Cognitive Ability and Biodata, Karen D. Fox
Kindergarten Teachers' Perceptions of Barriers English Language Learners Face in Mathematics, Martha A. Franklin
Science Scores in Title I Elementary Schools in North Georgia: A Project Study, Ramon Frias
The Impact of Differentiated Versus Traditional Instruction on Math Achievement and Student Attitudes, Valerie D. Gamble
Exploring the Meaning and Use of Science Content Integration, Jason L. Garner
Experiences of Older African American Women With Breast Cancer Screening and Abnormal Mammogram Results, Marshalee George
Impact of the Study Island Program on Students' Reading Comprehension, Rodney L. Gernert
The Impact of Personalization-Based Tailored Instructional Communications on College Student Persistence, Nichole Gibbs
Effects of Religious Motivation on the Relationship between Religion and Well-Being, Wayne Gilbey
The Effects of Seductive Details in an Inflatable Planetarium, Sean Gillette
One Rural School's Initial Efforts to Assist Teachers in Improving Student Outcomes, Brenda R. Gingerich
Vipassana Meditation and Teacher Decision-Making, Jeffrey Ronald Glogowski
Comparison of Principals' Leadership Practices by Methods of Professional Development, Marcia J. Grande
Learning Style Needs and Effectiveness of Adult Health Literacy Education, Leah A. Grebner
A Q methodology Analysis of Individual Perspectives of Public Decision Making Influences of Collaborative Processes, Perry D. Gross
The Role of In-Service Teachers in Pre-service Teacher Preparation for Multicultural Education, Diane Smith Grych
Assessing Doppler-Derived Pressure Gradients and Liver Echogenicity to Predict Liver Disease, Joy D. Guthrie
Criminal History and LSI-R Scores of RSAT Participants in the State of Massachusetts: Impact of Offender Age on Program Completion and Rates of Offender Recidivism, Jewell E. Hankins
Perceptions of White Men on Affirmative Action Planning, Linda Lee Hansken
Effects of Proactive Leadership on Sustainability in the Nonprofit, Jamison J. Hardy
The Impact of Professional Development in Data Based Decision Making on the Teaching Practices of Educators, Nancy Harris
The Impact of Inclusion on the Achievement of Middle School Students with Mild to Moderate Learning Disabilities, Ruth Carol Hawkins