Date of Conferral


Date of Award

May 2024


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Cathryn Walker


Examining Experiences and Perspectives of Educators Teaching Employment Skills to Transitioning Students With Disabilities Walden University April 2024 In an urban school district in a western state, the problem addressed through this study was that, despite available professional development (PD) training and resources, educators at a high school were not effectively implementing the strategies of the Campus 2 Community (C2C) initiative, which is designed to assist students with disabilities (SWDs). The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to investigate the experiences of educators using the C2C program; identify the challenges they encounter; and identify ways to improve the C2C program instructional services for SWDs, particularly students on the autism spectrum. Knowles’s theory of adult learning informed this study. Research questions focused on how high school educators, who use the C2C program, describe their experiences implementing the strategies promoted in the program and ways to improve the C2C PD and resources to better help SWDs. Data were collected via semistructured interviews with 11 educators who included special education teachers, C2C job coaches, instructional aides, administrators, and campus- and district-based leadership staff. Content analysis was used to analyze data collected using open coding. Eight themes emerged. Results showed the C2C program has positive outcomes and educators use best practices; however, educators described insufficient training to meet the varied challenges of the program. A specific need was uniform PD and materials available throughout the year. A PD project emerged as the project genre and may contribute to positive social change by informing education stakeholders of the PD needs to support C2C staff who serve SWDs in the study district.
