Human Rights Violations Against Legal Immigrants in Minnesota, John Ewu
Executive Summary: Clinical Practice Guideline, Bona Eze
College Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Mental Health in a Campus Culture, Elizabeth Remick Fait
Staff Education on the Rapid Mood Screener in an Outpatient Psychiatric Setting: Enhance Screening Practices, YETUNDE FAKINLEDE
Information Systems Management Strategies for Faith-based Organizations to Maintain Funding, Jacquelyn Faucette
Universal Suicide Screening in Outpatient Primary Care and Specialty Care, Tamaria Featherlin
Nurse Educators’ Experiences in Implementing Concept-Based Teaching, Ma Camlaria Felismino
Influence of Procedural Justice Training on Police Perceptions of Interactions With Racial Minority Citizens, Christopher Michael Felton
Exploring Victim Advocates Perceptions of Human and Sex Trafficking Laws and Programs in Tennessee, michele newsome fenn
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Fall Prevention in the Neurology Unit, Jorge Martin Fernandez
Development of Self-Worth Beliefs in the Context of the Acculturation Process Among U.S. Firstborn Latinos, Flavia B. Fernicola
Employee Engagement in the Rio Grande Valley Border Regions of Texas, Thomas Ruseell Ferry
Employee Engagement in the Rio Grande Valley Border Regions of Texas, Thomas Ruseell Ferry
Effective Strategies for Improving Supply Chains' Resilience and Cost Effectiveness, Felix Louis Fidelibus
Tempering Food Insecurities at Community Colleges With Emergency Relief Funds, Jennifer Louise Field
Failure to Implement Decentralization in Haiti as a Constitution Mandate, Alann Fils-Aime
Discovering Factors that Influence Young African American Males' (18-25) Satisfaction with and Trust in Northeast Ohio Police, Timothy David Finucan Jr
Strategies U.S. Small Retail Business Leaders Use to Retain Customers, Wanda Ann Fisher -Robinson
Strategies to Empower At-Risk Males in Orange County Florida: A Community-Based Resource, Thressa Marie Fizer
At-Risk Students’ Self-Determination Through the Lens of Alternate Graduation Programs, Donka Catalina Flaig
Staff Education: Improving Nursing Knowledge on Patient Medication Adherence Strategies using Teach-Back, Janie Fleming
Influence of Maternal Abandonment, High-Crime Neighborhoods, and Experienced Abuse on Aggressive Assaultive Behavior, Michael David Austin Flood
Effective Strategies Residential Property Managers Use to Reduce Workplace Burnout and Increase Workforce Retention, Gloria Gomez Flores
Effective Strategies Residential Property Managers Use to Reduce Workplace Burnout and Increase Workforce Retention, Gloria Gomez Flores