Date of Conferral


Date of Award

June 2024


Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)




Dr. Michael Johnson


Research has shown substance use affects sexual minority communities disproportionately. Studies have shown when individuals are part of ethnic or sexual minority groups, negative attitudes and risk behaviors that can lead to substance use are experienced at a greater scale compared to their majority counterparts. There have not been significant investigations regarding relationships between cultural values and sexual and ethnic minority subpopulations within the United States. The purpose of this quantitative study was to identify relationships between religion, family structure, traditional gender roles, and substance use in terms of Mexican American men who have sex with men (MAMSM) populations. This study involved using Meyer’s minority stress theory to explore this issue. A sample of 84 adult MAMSM living in the United States was recruited via social media platforms. Multiple regression analysis revealed cultural values of religion, family structure, and traditional gender roles were not statistically significant predictors of substance use in this population. Findings from this study contribute to positive social change through the existing body of knowledge on ethnic and sexual minorities and substance use. This study identified a need for further understanding of this population and substance use. Moreover, results inform mental health providers in terms of awareness of presumptions they may use in their work with this population.
