Quality control practices for postoperative eye care in rural Arizona, Robert Mark Rummel
A Correlational Study of the Extrinsic Variables That Influence Job Satisfaction in Social Services Workers, Delores B. Cauthen
Management Reorganizations in the THB Global Banks - A Case Study, David Clancy
The Role of the Facilitator in Computer-Supported Environments: A Critical Incidents Study, Victoria K. Clawson
The Influence of Antimicrobial use on Bacterial Resistance, James T. Griffith
The Role of Small to Medium-Size Private Companies as Change Agents in Manpower Development in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Abdulrahman Mohammed Al-Kadi
Perceived Effect of Personal Use of Managerial Workstations on Individual Productivity, Katherine Stewart Allen
The Effects of a structured-insightful approach upon the writing ability of limited-English proficient students (LEP 3), Gwen P. Freeman
Containing Contamination From Human Sources in the Surgical Suite with Fabrics and Garment Design, Nathan L. Belkin
To What Extent Current In Service Education Programs at Hospital Level in Puerto Rico Help the Newly Professional and Technical Nurse in the Development of Practical Nursing Skills, Andrea Guzman Berrios
The effects of a psychologically based training program upon athletic performance, Bertram Burke
The Frontier nursing service as an agent of change, Nancy Dammann
Analysis of Selected Socio-Political Influences Upon Career Decision-Making of College Freshman, Priscilla Colton-Ewing
An Investigation of the Value of Detection of Potential Readnig Difficulties at the Kindergarten Level Followed by Specific Individualized Instruction as a Preventative Measure Against Reading Failure, Kathleen Barrett-Marko
A Study in the application of the C.A. Curran Counseling-Learning Model to adults, Brady C. Thomas
A Compendium of Agogic Terms, David L. Boccagna
A Multivariate Analysis of Two Types of Conformity Behaviors, Charles Lee Alcorn
Implementation of Migrant Education Program in the Richgrove School District, Bob L. Blancett
The Relationship of Self-Concept Changes and Performance on a Paired-Associates Learning Task to Communication Skills Training, Grace Hayden Blanchard
A Follow-Up Study (1970-1972) of the 1969 State Scholarship Program in the State of Rhode Island, Fred R. Bocchio and Anthony M. Ferraro
A Comparative Study of Teaching Trends and Practices in the General Biology Laboratory as Offered by the Public Community Colleges of California, Frank L. Bonham
A Program for the Training of Elementary Art-Music Teachers, Edward A. Boynton