The Plight of the Stutterer and Some Vital Solutions, Joyce D. Keller
Formal Education of the Hospital Department Supervisors and the Need for an Undergraduate Degree Program in Health Services Management, Theodora Harmon Kittell
Counseling for the Seventies: A Compendium of Published Articles, Joseph Henry Koch
A Curriculum for the Profoundly Retarded Children in a Development Center for Handicapped Minors, Charles William Koontz
A Study of the Relationship Between the Art Curriculum and Leisure Time Activities at the Eighth Grade Level, Ida Kugler
A Comparison of Third Grade Reading Practices, Objectives, and Achievment Test Results Between a Conventional Program and a Behavioral Objective Approach Program, Charles Henry Massey
Self-Actualization and Persistence in Selected Vocational Curricula for First-Time Entering Students at a Community College, Charles J. Mast
The Effect of Kinesthetic and Demonstration Techniques of Instruction Upon Standing Broad Jump Performance, Howard Philip Meyer
A Four-County Plan for Occupational Education, Donald R. Mullaney