Student satisfaction with online learning effectiveness at a Connecticut community college, Alina R. Payne
The effects of prayer and glossolalia on the mental health status of Protestants, Recco S. Richardson
The relationship between learning style preference and achievement in the adult student in a multicultural college., Matilde E. Roig
The impact of professional development on assessment and grading practices for secondary teachers, Nicole Lynn Roorda
The attitudes of regular education teachers regarding inclusion for students with autism
Kimberly Showalter-Barnes
Award Date: 2008
Degree: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
School: Education
Dialogue within professional learning communities and its impact on the professional growth of teachers in the elementary school setting, Melanie Spradley
The effects of teacher race in the elementary school on student achievement test scores, John Stortz
Parental payment abuse within the Supplemental Security Income program, Darlean Taylor-King
Treatment practices of childhood sexual abuse: A developmental psychopathology perspective, Deborah Watson
Understanding and application of Learning College concepts among community college support staff employees, Laura E. Weidner
Intimate Partner Violence Among Male and Female U.S. Community College Students, Shakiera Benson
Predictors of middle school girls' engagement in suspendable school offenses., Barbara Harlow Cavanaugh
The relationship between self-directed informal learning and the career development process of technology users, Ronald D. Paige
The impact of daily writing on kindergarten students' phonemic awareness., C. A. Snell
Public Humiliation as a Mitigator in Criminal Sentencing, Barbara Benoliel
The noncontribution of some data in least squares regression predictions
Teresa Louise Bittner
Award Date: 2007
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Management
A Study Of The Decision To Remove Children From Their Parents By Child Welfare Supervisors, Charles F. Lorbeer
A probabilistic multidimensional data model and its applications in business management
Bhaskara Reddy Moole
Award Date: 2006
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Management
Information-processing skills related to working memory in individuals with Asperger's disorder, Nancy Lynn Musarra
A narrative inquiry into the experiences of individuals in the midst of organizational change: A shift from systems to stories, Stanley M. Amaladas
The Relationship of Consideration and Structure Leadership Styles to Employee Job Satisfaction in Nonprofit Child Care Organizations, Stephanie L. Brooke
Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Firm Value in the Oil and Gas Industry
Javier Fadul
Award Date: 2005
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Management
Psychological resilience: The influence of positive and negative life events upon optimism, hope, and perceived locus of control
Michael Philip Hand
Award Date: 2004
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Psychology
Nursing students' experiences of workplace violence and aggression: Making sense of the phenomenon for educators
Bonnie Jean Beardsley
Award Date: 2003
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Education