An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of the Developmental Mathematics Course at Lehigh County Community College, Robert G. Clark
Innovation, Adoption, and Cultural Change: Guide Lines for Administrators of Adult Education Programs, Walter Clot
An Examination of Two Different Approaches to Learning in Nursery School, Ralph M. Conti
The Settlement House - Community Center as an Adjunct to the Inner City Educational Opportunies in the Northwest Portland, Oregon, Edd Walter Crawford
An Investigation into the Affect of the Borg-Warner System 80 Machine on the Reading Program of Selected Primary Students, Daniel T. Cunniff
A Feasibility Study Concerning School District Reoganization in Southern Dupage County, Illinois, Mark D. DeLay
Challenges of Humanistic Psychology for Secondary Education, Walter P. Dember
Grade-Point Averages of Oversears Military-Dependent Students Compared to Grade-Point Averages of Non-Military Students, Robert John Eddy
A Descriptive Study of a Successful School Bond and Rate Referenda Campaign, Howard Marvin Eilks
An Ermerging Model for a New System of Education in New York State, David Elliot
The Dichotomy Between the Actual and the Perceived Role of the Elementary Guidance Counselor in the State of Massachusetts, Frederick E. Ellis
The Establishment of a Management by Objectives ( Accountability Management ) Program in the Niles, Michigan Public School System, William H. Fairman
The Recall Election: Its Effect on the School District and Community in California, Chester C. Fields
Advanced Computer Program Models : A Talking Textbook Based on Three Languages, John Thomas Gardner
Programmed Reading Instruction Versus Traditional Reading Instruction and Their Relation to Science Achievement, Harold Eugene Garner
The Effect of Intensive Individual Short-Term Supportive Counseling on Mentally Retarded Students, Patricia Griffin
An Inquiry into the Feasibility of an All-Year School in Glenview, Illinois, Henry A. Hamann
Health Counseling for the Overweigh Adolescent Girl, Elizabeth J. Handley
The Relationship Between Education adn Socialization Input and Social and Behavior Outcomes, in a Controlled Group of Educable Mentally Handicapped, Joanne Marie Higgins
An Inquiry into the Piagetian Tradition in America as a Basis for a Philosophy of Education at the Communityy College Level: A Quasi-Experimental Approach, Clinton J. Humbolt
The Effects of the Authenticity of the Administrator in Creating an Open or Closed Climate: A Comparative Study of the United States and Israel, Stanley Hymowech