"A Study of the Effects on Students in a Community Consolidated School " by James H. Ellis

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




A. Mills Wilber, Ed.D.



The purpose of the study was to identify objectives and identify and measure the effects of selected activities supported with Title I Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 funds on disadvantaged students with respect to their academic achievement, social and personal development and class attendance. One East-Central Illinois Public School District was selected for the study. The school district included grades kindergarten through twelve with an enrollment approximating 10,000 during the school years under review. Of that total enrollment, approximately 1500 students each year were classified as eligible for funding purposes. The school years included were 1966-67 through 1970-71 inclusive and the summer school programs from 1967 through 1971 inclusive.

Description of Project

Activities Standardized achievement test scores and teacher observations were the bases used to make student assignments to the special activities (Title I). The Title I 2 activities available were remedial reading, remedial language arts, and remedial mathematics. A post-test, i.e., another form of the pre-test (placement test) was given to each group at the end of each project year.


A review of the literature including governmental agency documents on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was conducted.

Data gathering was accomplished in the following

1. Project proposals were obtained from school officials.

2. Project objectives and activities were identified.

3. Academic achievement scores, anecdotal records, the results of teacher-made tests, and other supporting data were also obtained from school officials.

In addition, a questionnaire was constructed and distributed to administrators, faculty, and paraprofessionals regarding their perceptions of Title I objectives. Some non-Title I respondents in the above categories were also surveyed. Several student inventories and surveys were also developed, administered and the data analyzed.


Notwithstanding the number of limitations inherent in a study of this type, it would appear that several conelusions and/or recommendations could be proposed. Disadvantaged students seem to achieve at the same rate as students not classified as disadvantaged if they are provided with adequate innovation, teachers, and supplies to compensate for the deprived backgrounds which they bring into the classroom.

ncreased effectiveness might be promoted through:

1. An emphasis on in-service training at all levels.

2. Increased internal dissemination at all levels, particularly aimed at the nonTitle I personnel.

3. Increased concern for evaluation, both short-range and longitudinal.

4. Identifying other measures of success, including retention rates, attendance, non-delinquent behavior, and economic effects on the local community.

5. Promoting parental and other community resource involvement.

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