HIV/AIDS in context: The culture of health promotion among Ndau women in rural Zimbabwe, Lynne Duffy
Effectiveness of a relaxation technique to decrease the memory and behavior problems of Alzheimer's patients
Stella Maris Verna
Award Date: 2002
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Psychology
The validity of the transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership model as measured by the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ 5X)
John Antonakis
Award Date: 2001
The Correlation Between the Levels of Education of Clinical Laboratory Personnel and the Accuracy of Peripheral Blood Smear Results, Susan J. Leclair
The effectiveness of experiential education in executive development, Marlene Handley Rodenbaugh
Theater Education and Emerging Technologies, Michael E. Butterworth
Psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer: The role of marital support and approach coping
Jacqueline K. Schonholtz
Award Date: 2000
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Psychology
Cross-cultural interpretations of fraud: An attitudinal study in a Middle Eastern multinational corporation, Douglas Moore Watson
An analysis of physicians' reluctance to follow terminally ill patients' advance directives, Norma Poirier
Validation: The missing link in recovery from childhood sexual abuse?, Jill Wollenzien-Daniels
Oyster fisheries management of Maryland's Chesapeake Bay
Diana Locke
Award Date: 1999
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Management
Portrait of success: A situational analysis case study of students challenged by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Sandra Hundley Zimmermann
The midlife quest for meaning as revealed in critical reflective journals of midlevel community college academic administrators participating in a continuing professional education program: A phenomenological analysis
Roberta Albom Liebler
Award Date: 1998
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Education
Parent Satisfaction with Staff Interactions at a Community Based Mental Health Center, Chrisanne Marie Christensen
The father-wound in folklore: A critique of Mitscherlich, Bly, and their followers
Hal W. Lanse
Award Date: 1997
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Education
Coping strategies and adaptation mechanisms utilized by female Holocaust survivors from the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Joy Erlichman Miller
Fund-raising systems in children's museums: An analysis of fund-raising behavior and philanthropic income trends, Elizabeth A. Potter
Diversity Deprivation Overcome: A Predominately Caucasian Catholic High School Addresses Societal Racial Prejudice, Michele Ray Campbell
Environmental public policy: An analysis of public opinion and environmental legislation in North Carolina
John Carson Cato
Award Date: 1995
Degree: Ph.D.
The effects of international trade on income inequality in the United States, 1979-1992, Thomas James Milton
Nietzschean pedagogy: A revaluation for contemporary education
Arthur Gilmore Ogden
Award Date: 1996
Degree: Ph.D.
The Impact of a Nursing Case Management Model on Quality of Care as Defined by Length of Stay, Health Outcomes, and Patient Satisfaction, Gladeen A. Ayer
Early Intervention and Parenting Support in the Public Schools: An Inalienable Right For All, Heidi Berlinger
A Comparative Analysis of Adlerian and Theocentric Philosophies, Daniel A. Briggs