"Coping strategies and adaptation mechanisms utilized by female Holocau" by Joy Erlichman Miller

Date of Conferral


Date of Award





Human Services


Richard W. Waite


The female experience during the Holocaust has largely been ignored as significantly different than that of male counterparts. This gender-specific research study investigates the "unique, poignant voices" of women's coping strategies utilized during internment in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Focusing specifically on the video oral history testimonies of the complete collection of female survivors of Auschwitz, which were produced by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the study suggests that the predominate coping strategies used by females was affiliation with others as the means of survival. Through the utilization of clustering sheets, the data suggested that affiliation and assistance from others was essential in female survival and coping, coupled primarily with the utilization of emotion-focused coping strategies.

Additionally, the study utilizes telephone interviews with the Holocaust survivors in the sample, three to five years after their testimonies were elicited as part of the permanent exhibits and research archives at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The findings from the interviews concur with the predominant utilization of affiliation as a coping mechanism for survival of massive traumatization during internment in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
