Perceptions of recess and the effects of a morning recess break on the oral reading fluency of second grade students, Joy M. Walker
Predicting inter -organizational knowledge satisfaction through knowledge conversion and task characteristics in a minority -owned business, Terrence L. Ward
Personality traits, self -efficacy of job performance, and susceptibility to stress as predictors of academic performance of nurse education programs, Nancy Wilson-Soga
The effect of faculty performance measurement systems on student retention, Timothy Woods
Understanding middle school students' perspectives regarding physical activity and fitness, Susan Yesalonia
Transitional justice in postconflict contexts: The case of Sierra Leone's dual accountability mechanisms, Lydia Apori-Nkansah
Exploring technological literacy: Middle school teachers' perspectives, Jane McEver Baker
Academic incentives impact on increasing seventh -graders physical activity during leisure time, Jeffrey Scott Brinker
Application at the Bedside: Moving from Knowing How to Knowing Why in Nursing, Joyel J. Brule
Educators' perceptions of characteristics of male and female bullies, Melissa Marie Cafaro
Prognostic factors of varying treatment outcomes for onychomycosis (nail fungal infection) patients, Bin Cai
The impact of a professional learning community on student achievement, Brandon S. Carter
Intrinsic motivation of students with disabilities in the general education setting: What teachers should know and be able to do, Beverly Stinson Faircloth
Portfolio Construction: The Efficient Diversification of Marketing Investments, Michael P. Haydock
Ho'oponopono: Assessing the effects of a traditional Hawaiian forgiveness technique on unforgiveness, Matthew B. James
Friendship in young adult heterosexual romantic relationships, Billy Kidd
Beliefs, perceptions, and preferences for treatment in Latinas with breast cancer, Barbara Ann Kreling
Changing the negative behavioral and developmental outcomes to a toxic prenatal environment through parent education, Angela Elieen Laughlin Lebedev
Changing the Negative Behavioral and Development Outcomes to a Toxic Prenatal Environment through Maternal Education, Angela Eileen Laughlin Lebedev
Family Message Journals: A tool for writing instruction combined with parent involvement, Sandi Michele McCann
Student -teacher relationships and their effect on student achievement at the secondary level, Cheryl Dix Modlin
The impact of visual art instruction on student creativity, Jeanie S. Parker
Bridging the gap: Home-school partnerships in kindergarten
Keenjal Pattni-Shah
Award Date: 2009
Degree: Ph.D.
School: Education