"Perceptions of leadership effectiveness in the management of intergene" by Patricia G. Wright

Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Patricia C. Ripoll


Studies reveal a progressive net decrease in the nursing profession across four generations, creating a shortage that poses a critical threat to the health care delivery system and to the health and safety of patients within that system. Research also suggests that generational cohorts reflect social change in attitudes toward work-life balance, organizational commitment, personal-professional relationships, autonomy, focus on career advancement, and actions that represent organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Previous research grounded in theoretical frameworks of organizational behavior, leadership, and social capital indicates that leadership support of workforce diversity and effectiveness in conflict management influence OCB. However, little research explores the links between intergenerational work-values conflict (IWVC), job satisfaction, and OCB. Accordingly, this exploratory correlational study investigated linkages connecting OCB, job satisfaction, and perceptions of leadership effectiveness in the management of IWVC among 89 perioperative registered nurses, who replied to an online adaptation of established survey instruments. Correlation and regression analyses indicated that higher levels of OCB reflected increased job satisfaction and were associated with perceptions of leadership effectiveness in management of IWVC. Findings support study hypotheses that leadership management of IWVC plays an influential role in OCB. This exploratory study extends existing research and presents a model for examining leadership, OCB, and social change in nursing. Increased knowledge and understanding of these relationships may serve as a catalyst for positive social change by improving intergenerational relationships, job satisfaction, nurse retention, and positive patient care outcomes.
