Those who dare to lead must seek to serve first: Leadership styles of New Jersey school superintendents, John Alfieri
Perceived effects of teachers' unions on administrators' and teachers' roles and morale, Eileen E. Berg
A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of adolescent females with Asperger Syndrome, Lisa Marie Beteta
An examination of differences between online learning for Hispanic and Caucasian community college students, Edward J. Beyer
Understanding the pendejo phenomenon in Puerto Rico: An example of culture -specific therapy, Miriam Biascoechea-Pereda
Effectiveness of inclusion in an Indiana middle school, Clinton Todd Bowers
The effect of mental models on creating organizational alignment around a change vision, William A. Brantley
Social interest and self -efficacy levels among high school volunteer mentors and their non -mentor peers: A comparison study, Courtney Brewer
Leadership as role and relationship in social dynamics: An exploratory study seeking a leadership archetype, Brian W. Bridgeforth
Intrapersonal and community-related influences of rural adolescent pregnancy: A mixed-method approach, Kimberly Becknel Brodie
The application of learning organization principles to church growth, Colleen S. Bryan
A survey of community college faculty, their teaching methodologies, and congruence with student learning needs, Susan J. Campbell
The relationship between cooperative learning and physics achievement in minority students, Victor Chester
The responses of Bamenda disability organizations to HIV and AIDS: A multiple case study, Lynn Cockburn
Andragogy: Does one size fit all? A study to determine the applicability of andragogical principles to adult learners of all ages, Wendy Conaway
Factors affecting retention of veteran classroom teachers: A Q -method study, Theresa Hollingsworth Hafen Corry
A case study of factors influencing health benefit offerings by small businesses, Richard J. Dahlkemper
General and special educators' attitudes toward students with severe disabilities included in the regular education classroom, Tracie Davis
Foodborne or pandemic: An analysis of the transmission of norovirus-associated gastroenteritis and the role of food handlers, M. S. Dreyfuss
Personal and professional spirituality: Muslim social workers' perspectives, Cheryl W. El-Amin
A study of the impact of Imagination Library participation on kindergarten reading achievement, Lisa Embree
Factors related to caring for the elderly among three generations of nurses, JoAnna Fairley
Nonquantifiable instructional factors that contribute to achievement in reading for students in grades 3-4 in a midwestern urban school district, Alice Marie Figgs