Confidence-based assessment in Moodle: Insights from teachers, administrators, and programmers, Timothy P. Florian
Making sense of exit exam policies: A phenomenological study of English language development teachers, Scott N. Forrest
The influence of spirituality on servant leadership among small business entrepreneurs, Sharilyn D. Franklin
Arts integration professional development: Teacher perspective and transfer to instructional practice, Jo Ann Garrett
Leadership to sustain Professional Learning Communities, Kelly P. Gillespie
Identifying the relationship between network governance and community action program participation, Angelique M. Goliday
Using a structured decision making protocol to stratify caseloads in the child support program, Steven J. Golightly
An exploration of factors influencing effective teachers' decisions to remain in urban school settings, Alison L. Grizzle
A qualitative study of bariatric patients and their social and emotional experiences after surgery, Denise Hall
A phenomenological inquiry of chronic homeless individuals' challenges to independence, Dewana Hall
Project study: An action plan for implementing Response to Intervention, Leah W. Hamilton
The relationship between psychological well-being and perceived wellness in graduate-level counseling students, Michel Renee Harris
The effects of a high quality teaching professional development program on fourth grade student achievement, Ethel J. Hasty
The impact of the McKinney-Vento Program on the end-of-grade test scores of homeless grade 6 students, George Hendricks
The relationship between leadership styles and performance success in hospitals, Beverly J. D. Hernandez
Implementation of response to intervention models and job satisfaction of school psychologists, Stephanie Lois Hill
Intraracial, intergenerational conflict and the victimization of African American adults by African American youth, Katherine E. James
Perspectives of executive women: Life choices and balancing career with marriage and children, Wendy James
The perceptions of developmental therapists about the influence of inner-city home environments on service delivery, Tywanda Jiles
Racial /ethnic differences in susceptibility and intention to smoke on smoking behavior among adolescents, Kafilat Tolani Jimba
Improving academic achievement of students with problematic attendance by implementing a multisystemic school-based model, James Edward Kay
Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Learning in an Undergraduate Student Organization for Global Social Justice, Patricia Marie Kean
Perceived attributes and organizational support influencing course management system adopter status in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Gayla Spooner Keesee
An analysis of reasonableness models for research assessments, William D. Kight
The effect of breastfeeding on the BMI of Hispanic preschool children, Linda M. Kilby