"Arts integration professional development: Teacher perspective and tra" by Jo Ann Garrett

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Kathleen Hargiss


Limited data connect teacher training in arts integration (AI) to evidence that students benefit from arts integrated instruction. As teachers are challenged to facilitate instruction for a wide continuum of learning needs, and students are challenged to demonstrate learning through high-stakes testing, more data are needed on how teachers learn and transfer AI strategies to classroom practice. Teachers (N = 38) from five elementary schools learned multi-modal AI strategies via the Intensive Development through the Arts (IDEA) model. Interview data in this concurrent mixed methods study illustrated the IDEA experience as a positive influence on (a) the learning environment, (b) teacher practice, and (c) addressing student diversities. Classroom observations, with the use of an observation rubric, documented the transfer of AI strategies to classroom practice. A Likert-type survey assessed teacher beliefs of self-efficacy in the practice of AI strategies. Findings revealed that sustained collaboration with artist/educators and student modeling were significant components of the IDEA model, and that Acting Right (c) provided the foundation necessary for successfully implementing AI strategies. Results indicated no significant correlations between IDEA level, years teaching experience, and teacher beliefs of self-efficacy. The significance of this study is the connection of teacher AI training to teacher practice, and effective teacher practice to increased student achievement.
