"A Compendium of Agogic Terms" by David L. Boccagna

Date of Conferral



This work is an outgrowth of more than fifteen years of compiling, organizing, editing and formulating these words and phrases in this compendium into a handy source. Its need became apparent when students using foreign music editions began to inquire as to what certain terms meant. Organizing it into this intelligible and usable source evolved after much refinement through exchange with students and lexicon consultation.

This compendium is divided into four sections:

Section one: Italian-French-German-English

Section two: French-Italian-German-English

Section three: German-Italian-French-English

Section four: English-Italian-French-German

Each page is sub-divided into four columns. In the first column, the foreign language section, which is alphabetically arranged, every word, phrase, or agogic term which appears will have its English translation in the fourth column. In the second and third columns appears the word, phrase or term’s equivalents in the two other languages whenever possible. Because many words are not directly translatable into another language, additional synonyms frequently appear. Section four is a bank of terms containing nearly all of the foreign words and phrases which appear in this compendium along with their English equivalents. Its arrangement also appears alphabetically in English.

The compendium is proceded by an introductory chapter that discusses the evolution of agogic terms, the influencing factors as well as their particular usage. Specifically, there are: the history of first devices, the invention of the stave, instrumental music, development of new styles of performance and composition, invention of new instruments and improvement of the old, new musical forms, especially the opera and overture, needs for new expression in contradistinction to the old, and, the influence of the Mannheim School.
