"A Study in the application of the C.A. Curran Counseling-Learning Mode" by Brady C. Thomas

Date of Conferral





Daniel Tranel


The study attempts to demonstrate movement in adult learning from particularization to symbolization to internalization (value choice) through use of a Counseling-Learning Model.

Adult resistance to learning is dealt with through application of counseling awarenesses to the learning situation. If the adult learner can be freed from threat to self-identity in the learning situation he can learn with much the same ease with which the child learns.

This hypothesis was tested at two five-day Counseling-Learning Institutes, one in the United States and one in Canada. Subjects represented primarily the helping professions.

Significance of the study lies in the fact that in a relatively short time (five days) significant change can be achieved in adult values.

Further research is needed to determine the permanency of value change thus acquired.
