Strategies for Small Business Leaders to Enter the Business Process Outsourcing Market, Edwina A. Labat
A Phenomenological Exploration into the Resiliency of Prostate Cancer Survivors, Luis Eduardo Lacourt
Exploring Child Abuse Prevention Methods in Palm Beach County's Haitian Community, Marie Evelyne LaFalaise
Under-reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions to the Food & Drug Administration, James Alexander Lamb
Early Recognition and Treatment of Acquired Pneumonia, Michael Lamorgese
Traditional Versus Nontraditional Instructional and Assessment Differences in 8th-Grade History-Social Science Achievement, John David Landers
Parents of At-Risk Students Reluctance to Using Technological Learning Platforms, MIchelle J. Landley Lee
Teacher Morale in a Turnaround School, Louis Lane
Self-Disclosure of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Status in Personal Relationships: Perceptions of South Africans Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Delile Gertrude Langeni
Perceptions of Collaboration and Mutual Respect Among Members of Interprofessional Teams, Brenda Lankhof
Predictors of Blood Pressure and Lipids Levels Among African Americans, Frank Lanor
Impact of Increased Learning Time on Economically Disadvantaged Students at an Urban Elementary School, Scott M. Larkin
Health Seeking Behavior in African American Women, Lorretta Larmond-Hyman
Factors Influencing Emergency Registered Nurse Satisfaction and Engagement, Catherine LaRock-McMahon
Risk Management Strategies to Prevent and Mitigate Emerging Operational Security Threats, Nancy Page Larrimore
Strategies For-Profit Educational Leaders Use to Reduce Employee Turnover and Maintain Sustainability, Denise Janet La Salle
Emergency Department Use for Nontraumatic Dental Conditions and Adult Oral Health, Cheryl Anne Lassiter-Edwards
Relationship Between Policy Expectations and Education Outcomes in a Midwestern School District, Latonya Latamore
Predictors of Readmission to Youth Counseling Services Among Adolescents in Saskatoon Canada, Felicia Lawal
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Bring Your Own Device by Teachers in Caymanian Public High Schools, Cleyo Lutice Lawrence
European Alternative Preschool Philosophies, Styles, and Emergent Literacy Skill Development, Lynne M. Lawson
The Adoption and Diffusion of the Air Taxi/Air Charter Travel Innovation, Joseph Paul Leader
Resiliency and Age as Predictors of Academic Performance Among Adult Online Students with Trauma-Related Disabilities, Carrie LeBarron
Creating an Effective Writing Center: A Case Study on Improving Student Writing, Kathryn Leber
Creating an Effective Writing Center: A Case Study on Improving Student Writing, Kathryn Leber