Job Satisfaction and the Effects and Influences on Nurse Retention, Burke N. Kline
Evaluating Parents' Decisions Regarding Recommended Childhood Vaccinations, Jennifer Kline
Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness Magnitude of Hypnosis on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment, Gueorgui Klissourov
Identity Style Preference and Marriage among Black Americans, Russell Klumpp
Strategies to Retain Employees in the Health Care Industry, FRANCELIA Luis Knight
Women of Intimate Partner Abuse: Traumatic Bonding Phenomenon, Meghan Koch
Emotional Self-Management Experiences of Practical Nursing Students, Cindy Ko
Teacher Perceptions of Instruction as an Expeditionary Learning Core Practice, Jamie M. Kociuba
Emergency Management: A Qualitative Study of Flood Disaster Vulnerability in Liberia, Morris Tennesse Koffa
Self-Care Management of African American Men with Type 2 Diabetes, Kevin Konstantinos
Personal Connections of First-Year College Students, Jaclyn Kopel
Sport-Related Concussion and Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injuries in High School Athletes, Lisa Koperna
Predictive Relationships Between Electronic Health Records Attributes and Meaningful Use Objectives, Solomon Nii Koppoe
Effect of Personality Type on Exercise Modality Choice, Michael Koskiniemi
Response to Intervention Program Implementation in a Suburban Elementary School Setting, Danielle M. Kovach
Parent, Teacher, and Principal Perspectives of Parent Engagement in a Title 1 Elementary School, Valerie Anne Krage
Physical Activity and Veteran Status in Obesity and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Erin McGuire Kren
Hotel Manager Strategies to Reduce Voluntary Employee Turnover, Christl Arwen Kroeten
Applying UTAUT to Determine Intent to Use Cloud Computing in K-12 Classrooms, Dorothy Cortez Kropf
Relating Teacher Attendance to Student English Language Arts and Math Achievement, Daryl Kubilus
Nonreciprocal Language and Its Influence in Mother-child Relationships, Karen Kuemerle-Pinillos
The Policy of Decentralization in the Mano River Region, Naigow Kuyon
Financial Crowding Out of Ghanaian Private Sector Corporations, Andrews Kwablah
Engaging Employees in Sustainable Continuous Improvement Strategies, William Wilson Kwakye
Effective Strategies for Building Trust in Virtual Teams, Alphonse Shefa Kwaye