Effects of Historic Preservation Policy on Urban Neighborhood Stabilization, Lisa Vaughan Jordan
Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Small Retail Businesses, Rochelle Shivon Jordan
Campus Behavior Coordinators' Perspectives of Student Discipline among Females in Middle School, Tamara Jordan
Poverty Rate and Occurrence of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors in Retail Facilities, Margolite Joseph Cesar
Effective Strategies for Managing Continuous Consultant Turnover in IT Project Teams, Nicholas K. Jury
Staff Education Module for Bar Code Medication Administration, Francoise Juste
Relative Effectiveness of Nutritional and Physical Programs on Young, Rural, Impoverished Students, Dora Ida Justice
Sustaining Peace in Sierra Leone Through Collaboration of the Dominant Ethnic Groups, Osman Kabba
Strategies to Implement Innovations in Hospitals, Schola Mutumene Kabeya
Stakeholder Collaboration Strategies in the Hawaii Tourism Industry, Catherine Kaehu
Decentralization of Local Government and Rural Development in Rivers State, Nigeria, Eddy B. Kaka
Music Artists' Strategies to Generate Revenue Through Technology, Kalilu Kamara II
A Comparison of Micro-Expression Training Methods, Matthew Patrick Kane
Collaborative Treatment Plan Development, Sally Kangas
Leaders' Endorsement of Idiosyncratic Workplace Fun, Organizational Playfulness Climate, And Organizational Creativity, Krasimir Karamfilov
Equity Trading Evaluation Strategies in Switzerland after the European MiFID II, Linn Kristina Karstadt
Exploring the Strategies for Accessing Microloans Used by Small and Medium Enterprises, Abdul Rashid Kashim
Professional Identity Differences in Novice Counselors, Mary Dolores Katalinic
The Influences on and Impact of Economic and Community Development Policies in a Micropolitan City, Anna M. Kautzman
Impact of Free Maternal and Child Health Services on Health Care Utilization in Jigawa State, Nigeria, Nura Ibrahim Kazaure
Administrator and Staff Perceptions of a Secondary School Antibullying Program, Suasn Kazmierczak
Individual Growth Through Forgiveness: A Multiple Case Study on the Process of Forgiveness, Bianca Kazoun
Perceived Child Regard, Parenting Stress, and Depressive Symptoms of Nonresidential and Residential Stepmothers, Lenee Nicole Kehnt
Ability Grouping and Student Achievement in Four Rural Elementary Schools in the Southern United States, Rhonda Denise Kelley