The Relationship of Location and Educational Achievements to Vision Impairment in Asians, Sonali Trivedi
A Qualitative Case Study About Online Reflection for Elementary Mathematics Teachers, Michelle McCabe Trofort
Educating Nurse Managers to Create a Culture of Nurse Retention, Stacey Trotman
Health Literacy Best Practices in Policy Development, Stacie Lee Trueheart
Hypertension Awareness and Health Care Access/Use in Black Women with Hypertension, Marlène Trusiak
Market-Entry Strategies of Startup Owners, Evgeny Tsaplin
Social Inclusion Outcomes for an Organization's Adolescent Parent Intervention, Anayra Ivette Tua
Role Identity and the Transition from Police Department to Civilian Life, Susanne Tufano
Evidence-Based Practice for Influenza and Pneumococcal Nurse-Driven Protocol, Melissa Tunc
Strategies for Assessing the Effectiveness of Certification Programs for Youth Workers, Allen R. Turner
Increasing the Value of Medicare Annual Wellness Visits for Patients and Providers, Stephanie Hope Turner
Exploring Factors of Effective Virtual Mentoring of Novice, Rural K-12 Teachers, Kendra Berger Turpeinen
Exploring SME Vulnerabilities to Cyber-criminal Activities Through Employee Behavior and Internet Access, Jerry Allen Twisdale
Exploring the Implementation of Cloud Security to Minimize Electronic Health Records Cyberattacks, Lamonte Bryant Tyler
Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment in Novice Registered Nurses, Sheila Tyne
Mentoring Strategies to Prevent Leadership Shortfalls Among C-Suite Executives, Vernon Walter Tynes
Financial Strategies and Initiatives for Preventing Rural Hospital Closure, Chinue Uecker
Perceptions of Unrestricted Gift Giving and the Integrity of Public Servants in Nigeria, Malachy Ogbonna Ugwu
Fast Food Business Survivability Beyond 5 Years in Nigeria, Victor Ukorebi
Public Participation During Reactive, Crisis-Driven Drought Planning Versus Proactive, Preparedness Planning, C. Anna Ulaszewski
Inclusion of Social Workers in End-of-Life Discussions in Intensive Care Units, Olivett D. Underwood-Mobley
Improving Nutrition among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Recipients Using a Monetary Incentive Model, Jezabel Urbina
Social Support and Psychotherapy for Asian and Pacific Islanders with HIV/AIDS, Venus Vacharakitja
Social Work Practice with Older Adults, Carley Yvonne Vailu'u
Long-Term Retention Among Child Welfare Workers in Michigan: A Phenomenological Study, Andrea Vajdic-Pena