"Perceptions of Collaboration and Mutual Respect Among Members of Inter" by Brenda Lankhof

Date of Conferral







Leslie Hussey


Government agencies are encouraging healthcare practitioners to work in interprofessional teams to address the complex needs of an aging population, to improve client outcomes, and to increase the cost-effectiveness of health care. However, a clearer understanding of the elements required for an effective interprofessional collaborative practice is needed. The purpose of this online, descriptive study was to focus on one component, mutual respect, and determine its relationship to collaboration among members of interprofessional teams working in family health teams (FHTs) and community health centers (CHCs) across Ontario. D'Amour's four-dimensional model of collaboration was used as the theoretical basis. This model suggests that collective action can be analyzed based on shared goals and vision, internalization, formalization, and governance. FHTs and CHCs were contacted by telephone and email to recruit participants and 99 healthcare professionals returned usable surveys. Using Spearman's rho and multiple regression, a significant positive relationship was found between mutual respect and collaboration. After controlling for the respondents' demographic characteristics, the correlation between these variables remained significant. Correlation scores between mutual respect and collaboration were higher in FHTs compared to CHCs. Significant differences in scores were also demonstrated between nurses and nonurses, and levels of education. This research provided data on how collaboration is progressing, how respected professionals felt, and assisted in the identification of areas that may be influential in making improvements. The knowledge obtained can affect positive social change by influencing practice, education, and guiding future research.

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