College Teachers' Perceptions about Teaching Global Competency, Izabela Agata Majewska
Trauma and Juvenile Justice in Carson City, Nevada, Ali M
Country Girls Fight, Too: The Relationship Between Social Support and Rural Female Youth Violence, Redhonda Vanessa Malone
Evidence-Based Practice Guideline for Peripheral Artery Disease, Jenny Ann Salve Managbanag
Strategies and Assessments to Support Special Education Students' Writing the Literacy Test, Angelo Caesar Maniccia
Declining Enrollment Among Extra School Time Programs for Adult Students, Melanie Maniekee
Stakeholders' Perceptions on Mandated Student Retention in Early Childhood, Jennifer Kate Mankins
Employee Job Satisfaction and Attitudes in Virtual Workplaces, Rebecca K. Mansfield
Changes in Beliefs about Aggression in Baton Rouge Youth Peace Olympics Participants, Shonta Manuel
Strategies for Healthcare Payer Information Technology Integration After Mergers and Acquisitions, Kishore Maranganti
Factors Predicting Academic Achievement Among Hispanic Community College Students, Lisa Marcelino
Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Academic Achievement for Exceptional Student Education Inclusion Students, Patricia Marcino
Nursing Students' Perceptions of Briefing in Simulation, Beena Maret
Language of Instruction and Puerto Rican First Graders' Ethnic Categorizations, Margarita Marichal
A Qualitative Study of Factors Related to Weight Regain Following Roux-en-Y Surgery., Samone Renee Marion
After-School Mentorship Program and Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Middle-School Students, Atia D. Mark
Strategies to Generate Employee Engagement, Diane Marie Marshall
Blended Learning as an Instructional Strategy to Improve Academic Performance, Debra-Dreana Marshall-Stuart
Influence of Professional Learning Communities on K-8 Teacher Responsibilities, Kristen Lynn Martello
Strategies for Adopting Additive Manufacturing Technology Into Business Models, Robert Martens
A Phenomenological Analysis of Formerly Incarcerated Women's Perceptions of Successful Reentry, Angela Martilik
Succession Planning and Development of Nurse Leaders, Christina Martin
Work-Life Balance of Women Employed Within State Government, Luisa Cunanan Martinez
Educational Development Needs of Higher Education Faculty Working With ELLs, Kevin Joseph Martin
An Evaluation of Juvenile Lifers in Pennsylvania Pre and Post Act 33 of 1995, Kieshia Martin