Incentive Size Alignment with Accountable Care Organization Performance, Kristie D. Racca
Measuring Regulatory and Noncompliance Prevalence Among Maryland Commercial Blue Crab Fishers, Jacquelyn Lee Rachor Hornsby
Instructional Methods and Attitudes Among Nursing Faculty Related to Students With Disabilities, Melissa Anne Radecki
A Narrative Study Focusing on Survivors of Forced Labor Trafficking, Taras NK Raggio
Millennials Leaving Religion: A Transcendental Phenomenological Research Study on Religious Disaffiliation, Elizabeth Ann Rainwater
Perceptions of Coping Strategies of Young Adults Who Were Bullied as Youth, Latonya Rainwater
Doctor of Nursing Practice Roles in Academia, Jodi Renee Raisor
Information Technology Outsourcing Strategies to Ensure Customer Satisfaction, Clyde Rajack
Local Nongovernmental Organization Intervention Approaches in Nigeria's Communities Experiencing Continuous Trauma, Rashid Babalola Raji
Local Nongovernmental Organization Intervention Approaches in Nigeria's Communities Experiencing Continuous Trauma, Rashid Babalola Raji
Educational Training on Falls Intervention for Elderly Patients in Acute Care Settings, Kasturi Ramasamy
An Exploration of the Nongovernmental Organization-State Relationship Through a Postinternational Framework, Dana-Marie Ramjit
Principals’ Experiences Leading Strategic Planning in High-Performing Primary Schools in Trinidad and Tobago, Adesh Reitoo Ramlal
Teacher Perceptions Regarding the Influence of Secondary Phonics Instruction on Student Reading, Alani Ramos
Employee Retention Strategies for Executive Operation Leaders in an Academic Nursing Environment, Polly Castro Ramos
Depression With Peripartum Onset (Postpartum) and Mother’s Perceptions of Social Support and Self-Efficacy for Parenting, Shenetha Carmise Ramsey
Innovation Strategies for a Global Manufacturing Business, Sachin Kakaji Ramteke
Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Patient Attendance in Diabetes Self-Management Education Classes, Charon Denise Randel
Incorporating Data Governance Frameworks in the Financial Industry, Tarlochan Singh Randhawa
African American Males' Perception of the Prince Georges' County (MD) Police and Improving the Relationship, Katija J. Ra'oof
Middle School Teacher Perceptions and Implementation of Special Education Coteaching, Leanne Marie Henning Ratcliff
Employing persons with disabilities in Madagascar, Lila Hanitra Ratsifandrihamanana
Measuring Effects of Childhood Adversity on Resilience Level of Army Veterans, Stephanie Rausch
Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Hispanic Women in Texas, Madhu Ravindranath
Cybersecurity Strategies to Protect Information Systems in Small Financial Institutions, Johnny Fadel Rawass