Leader Readiness in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) Business Environment, Karen Rimita
Examining the Utility of the HEXACO-PI-R for Predicting Positive and Negative Indicators of Police Officer Performance, Angela Marie Ripley
Preventing Patient on Nurse Violence Through Education, Sandra Risoldi
Use of Force: Perception of Racial Minorities and Police Officers in Southeastern United States, William Henry Riter, Jr.
Response to Intervention for English Language Learners, Robin Adele Rivas
Experiences and Challenges of Social Workers Providing Services to Elderly Veterans, Maritza Rivera-Moret
Understanding the Impact of Choice Claims in Health Policy Among Veteran Patients, Stacie Marie Rivera
Change Management Implementation Strategies for Small Businesses, Oneeka Rena' Rivers
Novice Teachers' Experiences of Success in a Mentoring Relationship at the Secondary Level, Felicia R. Roberson
Female Leaders: Paths to Leadership in the Florida State Legislature, Heather Conaway Roberson
Development of a Nurse Residency Program in Perinatal Nursing, Elizabeth W. Roberts
Usefulness of Field Experience Component of a Principal Preparation Program, George Roberts
Educating Staff on the Family Caregiver Needs of Brain Injury Patients, Carrie Maloney Robertshaw
Leadership Strategies to Sustain Small Fitness Businesses, Jacqueline Renee Robertson
Native American Parent Perceptions of their Children's Success in Reading and Mathematics, Kandace Cheryee Robertson
Helping Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Dawn M. Robinson
Nursing Educators' and Nursing Leaders' Views on Practice Readiness in Novice Nurses, Diane Robinson
Police Officers' Perceptions of Spirituality for Managing Occupational Stress and Job Performance, Licole Robinson
Increased Patient Portal Usage Following an Educational Intervention, Renee Lynn Robinson
Race, Gender, and Attorney Representation as Predictors of Private Probation Warrants, Subaricca Robinson
Strategies for Preventing Financial Fraud in Church Organizations in Ghana, Albert Rockson
Strategies for Preventing Financial Fraud in Church Organizations in Ghana, Albert Rockson
Frontline Managers' Perceptions and Lived Experiences in the Execution of Diversity Management Programs, James O. Rodgers
Exploration of K-5 Teacher Decision-Making Related to Student Use of Technology, Eric Noel Rodriguez
Public Servants' Perceptions of the Cybersecurity Posture of the Local Government in Puerto Rico, Julio C. Rodriguez