Factors Affecting Employee Persistence in an Online Management Development Certificate Program, Todd D. Chester
Neurodevelopmental Basis of Autism Spectrum Disorder based on Age and Gender, Sursatie Chetram
An Educational Program for Using the Distress Themometer, Mabel M. Che-tuma
Advocating Ideal Type Policy for Police Officer Wellness Based on Body Mass Index as a Predictor of Self-Reported Occupational Stress, Louis Chiappetta
Factors Affecting Colorectal Cancer Screening Among African-Born Immigrants in the United States, Chidoziri Chibundu
Exploring Restorative Factors for Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Women, Carol C. Chilaka
Motivation and Limits to Physical Activity in Adults Over 80 in an Assisted Living, Christine Mary Childers
Effects of Class Scheduling and Student Achievement on State Testing, Elizabeth Anne Childers
Association Between Altitude and Bronchopulmonary Cancer, Hung Ching
Strategies for Motivating Sales Employees' Performance within Small Businesses in the United States, Wesley Chikwanda Chishimba
How Fine Particulate Matter Modifies Preterm Birth Risks in Korea, Hyun Jin Choi
The Influence of School Discipline Approaches on Suspension Rates, Donna Christy
Training for Advanced Practice Providers in a Heart Failure Unit, Merlyn Chua
A Nurse-Led Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Program on Childhood Obesity Prevention, Ana Flor Rasonabe Ciocson
Waste Management Minimization Strategies in Hospitals, Andrea L. Clark
Assessing Asthma-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life in Children With an Ecological Systems Approach, Jamyia Clark
The Underrepresentation of Low Socioeconomic Status Children in Gifted and Talented Programs, Teresa Clark-Massey
High School Teachers' Self-Reported Knowledge and Implementation of Social and Emotional Learning Competencies, Stephanie Y. Clark Rhoe
Effective Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover in the Retail Industry, Robert Clayton
Education Models for Teaching Adults about Modifying Dietary Carbohydrate and Controlling Weight, Vincient Cleamons
Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Medical Identity Theft Resulting in Medical Fraud, Junior V. Clement
Implications of an all BSN Workforce Policy, Mary Clifford
Socioeconomic Status and Cancer Risks in Employer-Insured Cancer Survivors, Christine Clinton
The Effect of Cultural Awareness Training on Staff in Intergovernmental Service Agreement Facilities, Steven Alan Coffman
Reunification Rates of Mothers With Mental Illness, Substance Abuse, and Co-Occurring Disorders, Beth Coke