Relationship Between Elevated Blood Pressure/Hypertension in Military Personnel and the Stress of Combat Deployment, Stephen James Pinkerton
Upper Elementary Teachers' Use of Pedagogical Content Knowledge With Nonfiction Reading Instruction, Silke Piper
Implementing Aromatherapy for Falls Reduction in the Inpatient Hospice Population, Kimberly Kay Pistek
Implementing Aromatherapy for Falls Reduction in the Inpatient Hospice Population, Kimberly Kay Pistek
College Freshman Perceptions of Social Media Use for Authentic Learning in Composition Courses, Stacy Michelle Platt
Survey of U.S. Undergraduate Self-Reported Opioid Diversion and Heroin use, Motives, Sources, and Collective Efficacy as Mediating Factors, Mark Francis Plaushin
Home Studio Owners' Strategies to Compete in the Recording Industry, Darrel Maurice Polk
Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in an Illinois-Based Insurance Company, Nekerral Polk
A Delphi Study Analysis of Best Practices for Data Quality and Management in Healthcare Information Systems, Olivia L. Pollard
Reduction of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Reimbursement Penalty Risk, Christopher Douglas Poteet
Mexican Women and Postpartum Depression in Maricopa County, Arizona, Julio Presendieu
An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach to Fall Prevention Education, Lisa Prince-Clark
Evaluating Counseling Modality Based on Recidivism for Misdemeanor Offenders, Erin D. Prisbrey
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Training, Jason Proctor
Wellness Paradigms in Predicting Stress and Burnout Among Beginning Expatriate Teachers, Kimala Proctor
Strategies for Reducing Voluntary Employee Turnover in Public Schools, Peggy Teresa Proctor-Matos
Late-Stage Breast Cancer Diagnosis Among Haitian Women in the United States, Marie-Hortence Prosper
Discharge Phone Call on Unplanned Readmission Due to Chemotherapy Among Cancer Patients, Denise Angelo Moreno Prudencio
Mandarin Teachers' Experiences Using Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Early Childhood Classrooms, Francesca Pugh-Opher
The Influence of Spirituality on Stressful Marriages in the Matanuska-Borough of Alaska, Cheryl Vanessa Puryear
Certainty Versus Suspicion: Incapacitated Sexual Assault on Campus, Amanda Ellen Quade
The Perceptions of Transgender Patients Toward Nursing Care, Debra Ann Quenga
The Perceptions of Transgender Patients Toward Nursing Care, Debra Ann Quenga
Qualitative Examination of Historical Trauma and Grief Responses in the Oceti Sakowin, Anna E. Quinn
Military Wife Participation in the Family Readiness Group During the Deployment Cycle, Donetta Doris Quinones