Therapists' Experiences of Domestic Violence Among African American Lesbians, Barbara Camille Bryant
Factors Potentially Influencing Suspensions at an Affiliated Charter High School, Debra Bryant
Association of Dietary Intake With Suicidal Ideation or Suicide Attempts in Adolescents, Zenobia J. Bryant
Life Chaos as a Predictor of Diet Quality in U.S. Adults, HEIDI Barbara Buchert Egan
The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Nonprofit Volunteer Engagement and Commitment, Victoria Bohannon Buck
Pain Management, Gender, and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients, John Robert Buhmeyer
Descriptions of Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics in a Title 1 School District, Sheril Bulley-Simpson
Successful Human Resource Outsourcing Strategies, Michael L. Bullock
Relationships Between Project Cost, Project Team Member Role, Project Schedule, and Burnout, Alan Lee Bundschuh
Faculty Perspectives on Redesigning Classrooms with Active Learning Technology Tools, Zhanat Alma Burch
Nursing Faculty Perspectives on Support in Technology, Learning Management Systems, and Self-efficacy, Diane Burling
Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover in the Durable Goods Industry, Mary Jane Burnett
Strategies to Attract and Retain Customers for U.S. Private Country Clubs, Lisa Marie Burnside
Non-Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Teachers' Efficacy For Integrating Mathematics Across the Curriculum, Sandra Charlene Burrell
Assimilation for Hispanics, Generational Standing, Education and Income: A Correlational Empirical Study., Tammy B. Burroughs
African American Male Ex-Offenders' Perceptions of a Reentry Program's Impact on Recidivating, Latoya Rochelle Burt
Factors that Influence how Sunni Muslims in Western Michigan Perceive Violence, Joyce Busch
The Effects of Increased Emotional Intelligence on Information Technology Professionals, Reba Alexander Businsky
Strategies for Training a Multigenerational Workforce, Lydia Butler
Race, Gender, and Retention in a Diabetes Self-Management Program, Marcia Kaye Bygrave
Increasing Referrals of Hospitalized Obese Patients, Tammy Elaine Cabrera
Strategies to Reduce Maquiladora Employee Absenteeism in Mexico, Antonio Jose Cachazo
Influence of Psychological Capital and Thinking Perspectives on Construction Safety Climate and Performance, Anne-Perrine Pascale Cades
Social Security Administration Employee Lived Experiences of Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover, Lafaun Cain
Internationalization Strategies of Service Sector Small and Medium Enterprises in Turkey, Aslihan Cakmak