Perceptions of Employees and Supervisors of a Skills Training Program, Lincoln Calcavecchi
Intervention Specialists' Perceptions of a Tutoring Program for High School Students with Disabilities, Jerlisa M. Calhoun
Differentiating Theists and Nontheists by way of a Sampling of Self-Reported Sexual Thoughts and Behaviors, Kelli Callahan
Homeowner's Equity, Rental Cash Flow, and Recourse as Predictors of Default Mortgage Status, William Callian III
Executive Succession in Community Action Agencies in a Southern State, Johnnie Faye Campbell
Perceptions of Black Heterosexual Men in an Involuntarily Childless Relationship Considering Adoption, Richard P. Campbell
Exploring the Cultural Intelligence of Nurse Leaders, Valerie D. Campbell
Mentoring Experience Perceptions of Career Changing Teachers on Guam, Ronald A.S Canos
Perceptions of an EBP Module Mobile Application by New Graduate Nurses, Kristin Wilson Carlson
Media Body Images and Males' Body Dissatisfaction, Muscularity, Disordered Eating, and Depression, Diana Carrillo
Strategies Small Business Owners Use to Decrease Voluntary Employee Turnover, Rose Mary Carter
Media Marketing Strategies University Leaders Use to Increase Alumni Financial Support, Wesley Carter
Discharge Calls and Avoiding Hospital Readmissions, Wanda Lee Cassavettes
The Single Working Mother's Experience of Listening to New Age Music for Stress Relief, Estella M. Castillo
Medical Identity Theft and Palm Vein Authentication: The Healthcare Manager's Perspective, Cruz Cerda III
Korean Immigrant Women's Perceptions of Cervical Cancer Screening in Hawaii, Eurina Yujin Cha
Academic Entitlement and the Decision-Making of Tenured Professors, A. Roland Chambers
Small College Title IX Coordinators' Response to Male Complainants, David Scott Chambers
Effective Strategies for Venture Capital Evaluations of Organizations' Drug Development Capabilities, Roslyn Chand
A Qualitative Case Studying Collaboration Use to Improve Listening Instruction in Taiwanese Secondary Schools, Pearl Chang
Strategies to Improve Business Performance with Information from Social Media, Taylor Chan
Phenomenological Dynamic of How ADHD Student Recidivism Affects Alternative Education Teacher Services, Lisa A. Charette
Perceptions of First-Time Antiguan and Barbudan Mothers Towards Breastfeeding and Weaning, Janelle Dion Charles-Williams
Case Management and Social Work Practice in Public Schools, Grace Charriez Rivera
Geographic Variations in Antenatal Care Services in Sierra Leone, Eunice Nyambura Chege