Strategies to Recruit Skilled Workers in Manufacturing, Ina Renee Rawlinson
High School Teacher Perceptions of Blended Learning, Stephen Raymond
Improving Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma Knowledge for Psychiatric Nurses, Natalie P. Rebelo
Graduate Education Instructors' Motivation and its Influences on Graduate Students, Katrina Lynn Reeder
Leadership Strategies for Improving Employee Engagement in the Information Technology Industry, Geneva L. Reed
Teacher Perspectives of the Implementation of the Journeys Early Literacy Program, Milton Bernard Reese
Supply Chain Managers' Reverse Logistics Strategies to Control Cost Through Risk Mitigation, Lawrence A. Reeves
College Teachers' Perceptions of Technology Professional Development, Jo-Michele Refe Rymarczyk
Exploring Stages of Recovery from Crack Cocaine Addiction, Zeb Stuart Regan
Law Enforcement Methods to Improve Relationships Within the Illinois Communities, James F. Reilly
Characteristics of Cause of Death, Victim, Crime, Offender, and Familial Relationship, William J. Reilly
Experiences and Perceptions of Staff Providing Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Adolescents, Connie Jean Rendleman
Predicting Outcomes of American Youths' Shift Toward E-cigarette Use, D J. Resendez
Examining Family Hierarchy Through the Eyes of Former Mac Baller Gang Members, Jerome Lee Rice
Improving the General Education Development (GED): Retention and Completion Rates of Low Income Adults, Kimberly MaShaun Rice
Perceptions of Caregivers Following Diagnosis of Primary Benign Brain Tumor, Lisa Ann Richards Homa
Reducing Cost of Healthcare Facilities by Decreasing Nursing Turnover, Valour Akia Richardson
Reducing Cost of Healthcare Facilities by Decreasing Nursing Turnover, Valour Akia Richardson
Student Learning Management System Interactions and Performance via a Learning Analytics Perspective, Gina Maria Ricker
Teachers' Perceptions of the English Learner Professional Learning Plan Professional Development Course, Natasha Nichole Ridley
Teachers' Perceptions of the English Learner Professional Learning Plan Professional Development Course, Natasha Nichole Ridley
Substance Use Treatment Needs for Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Emma Elisa Riley-Horvath
Substance Use Treatment Needs for Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Emma Elisa Riley-Horvath
Quantitative Comparison of Novice and Veteran Teachers' Cultural Beliefs, Janet Adrienne Riley
DSM-5, Asperger's Syndrome Diagnosis, and Mothers' Experiences with Mental Health Services, Pamela G. Riley