Best practice hostage negotiator stress debriefings â a step toward PTSD symptom reduction, Michael R. Salter
Predictive Factors of Student Mathematics Achievement Decline Between Third and Fifth Grade, Jean E. Salters
Living Arrangements, Referral Source and Young Adult Admissions to Drug Treatment, Daniel Samaila
Role of Primary Care Providers and Integrated Disease Surveillance in Chad, Dhoud Stave Gischel Samba
Risk Factors Associated with the Contraction of Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia, Beyan Yancy Sana
Long-Term Implementation of Temporary Immigration Policy on the Security and Integration of Liberians in the U.S., Glendaly Sanchez-Alicea
Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Aggression in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, William Sanchez
Stakeholder Experiences and Operations in Implementing an Elementary Civil Leadership Program, RiChari Sancho
Relationship Between Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Acceptance of Business Intelligence Systems, Christina Ndiwa Sandema-Sombe
Parental Perspectives of Permanency Planning and Staffing Barriers in Child Welfare, Linda S. Sanders
Accessibility of Innovative Services in Radiation Oncology, Patricia Sansourekidou
Diffusion of Innovations and Labor Market Challenges: A Multiple Case Study from Angola, Édney Marco Cardoso dos Santos
Impact of Community Factors on the Donor Quality Score in Liver Transplantation, Giovanna Saracino
Perceptions of International Students in Poland Regarding Flipped Classrooms, Mustafa Alper Sarli
Influence of Trial by Media on the Criminal Justice System in India, V.V.L.N. Sastry
Social Anxiety, Quality of Life, and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Women With Infertility Problems, Esra Savaş
Influential Determinants of Internet of Things Adoption in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector, Ronville D. Savoury
Instructional Rounds and Problem-Solving: An Evaluative Case Study, Cheryl Ann Scalzo
Cybersecurity Policy Development at the State Level: A Case Study of Middle Tennessee, Daniel Leslie Scherr
Perspectives of High School and Community College Instructors on College Readiness, Cynthia M. Scheuer
Exploring Social Worker Knowledge, Conceptualization, and Use of Cultural Humility in Hospice, Shelby L. Schiller
Oral Health Literacy and Oral Hygiene Habits in a Kentucky Appalachian Community, Katie D. Schill
A Correlational Examination Among Law Enforcement Officers' Operational Stress and Media Consumption, Patrick Schmucker
Stereotype Threats and Mature Female Students Entering Higher Education: A Qualitative Study Using Experience Sampling Method, James Clark Schneider
Effective Social Work Practice With Military Youth During Deployment, Christy Michelle Scholl