Relationship Between Regulatory Compliance Cost, Operation Cost, and Profitability of Credit Unions, Maher Shbaita
Relationship Between Regulatory Compliance Cost, Operation Cost, and Profitability of Credit Unions, Maher Shbaita
Prison Nurseries and Social Work Practice, Brooke Sheehan
Utilizing Food Safety Knowledge in Comprehensive Patient Care Among Harlem Hospital Physicians, Sean Alexander Shivers
Effect of the Breakthrough Student Assistance Program on Grades, Behavior, and Attendance, Regina Shoppe
Data-Driven Instruction Use for Residency II Candidates After Clinical Instruction, Donna Short
Telecommunication Organization Employee Development Program's Role in Employee Engagement, Cynthia Jenkins Shuler
Telecommunication Organization Employee Development Program's Role in Employee Engagement, Cynthia Jenkins Shuler
Telecommunication Organization Employee Development Program's Role in Employee Engagement, Cynthia Jenkins Shuler
Exploring How Divorce-Related Communication Affected Relationships Between Same-Sex Parents and Their Offspring, Madonna Siao
Evaluating the Discharge Process Improvement Initiative in Reducing the Length of Stay, Maria Reina Ventura Siazon
Implementation of a Staff Education Project for a Robotics Education Program in the Operating Room, Doreen A. Sicotte
A Canonical Correlation Analysis of Self-Compassion, Life Balance, and Burnout in Counselors, Sarah Vanessa Silva
Appointment Follow-Up, Health Outcomes, and Hospitalizations for Individuals Receiving Psychological Treatment, Sandra Ivelisse Silvestre
The Effects of Sexual Education on Sexual Behaviors of Adolescents in Rural Jamaica, Deborah Simmonds
Perceptions of Well-being and Coping Mechanisms from Caregivers of Individuals with Autism, Barbara Simmons
Improving Provider A1C Testing Frequency Adherence to Recommended Diabetes Guidelines, Susan Ann Simmons
Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover in Clinical Logistics, Brenda Marc Simon
Preinfection Risk Perceptions of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive Homosexual and Bisexual Men, Benjamin Singer
Risk-Taking Behaviors of First-Generation Sub-Saharan African-Born U.S. Resident Men, Henry K.J. Sinyangwe
Secondary English Language Arts Teachers' Experiences Using Social Media for Instruction, Sage Echo Sirotkin
Predictors of Rapid Repeat Pregnancy in Zimbabwe, Thenjiwe Sisimayi
Strategies for Not-for-Profit Sustainability, LaTesha Slappy
Management Strategies to Address the Substance-Impaired Healthcare Professional in the Workplace, Anna Marie Smith
Entrepreneurial Marketing in Online Home-Based Businesses: Narratives From Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Craig Daniel Smith