Parenting Experiences Among Single Southern African Immigrant Mothers in Low Socioeconomic Neighborhoods, Winnie Mhlambi Fuzane
Perceived Quality of Care and Burnout in Psychiatric Caregivers Working With Offenders, LaToya Brown Gage
The Relationship Among Demographics and Risk Attitude in Predicting Health Plan Enrollment, Stephen Gage
Strategies for Virtual Sales Leaders to Increase Productivity of Remote Employees, Tamera Monai Gaines
Pre-Expose Prophylaxis and Non-Monogamous, HIV Negative Gay Men in Serodiscordant Relationships, Robert Dale Gallagher
Thematic Narrative of LGBT Faculty Members' Professional Identity and Activism, Kathy Luanne Williamson Gall
Smoking Cessation Education for Acute Care Nurses, Dawn Garcia-Brinker
Systematic Review of the Literature on Why There is Hospice Underutilization, Maria J Garcia
Understanding Social Workers' Knowledge of Foster Care Drift, Joey Gardner
Relationship Between Prekindergarten to Grade 12 Teachers' Mindfulness and Self-Efficacy, Ketra Gardner
Forensic Detection for Earnings Management in Selected Code Law Nations of Europe, Jef Lee Garner
Non-Nursing Courses' Impact on NCLEX-RN Pass-Rates in Associate Degree Nursing Programs, Nicole A. Garner
Women's Experiences Using Health Facilities for Childbirth in South Sudan, Gillian Magda Garnett
Stakeholder Perceptions of Gun Violence Perpetrated by Young Men, Birda Garrett
Exploring Possibilities with Professionals on Youth Aging Out of Placement, Karen L. Garrett
Media Exposure and Social Response as Predictors of Citizen's Attitudes Toward Police, Tara A. Garrison
Leadership Strategies to Increase Employee Engagement, Christine Garza
Scenario Planning for Organizational Adaptability: The Lived Experiences of Executives, Robert John Gaskill-Clemons
Opportunity and Sex Offending by International Peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, Musa Yerro Gassama
Psychometric Properties of the Modern Homonegativity Scale in the Southern United States, John T. Gavlas
Virtual Leadership in Complex Multiorganizational Research and Development Programs, Gariann Marie Gelston
Patient Navigation Program in Oncolgy Clinical Practice, Mercy George
Skills That Small Business Owners Use to Succeed Beyond 5 Years, Shelly Gerig
Increasing Organ Donations in Maryland: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis, Laura A. Gerlach
Effective Internal Controls for Recognizing Contracting Revenues, Antonio Ghaleb