Exploring Firm-Level Cloud Adoption and Diffusion, William J. Wood
The Lived Experiences of Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Arielle Chieko Woodyard
Teacher Perceptions of Math Professional Development in a Small Vocational School, Nisha Woody
Increasing Daily Exercise Adherence in Women by Examining Motivational Factors, Victoria Wozniak
Parental Perception of Physician Cultural Sensitivity and Adherence to Asthma Treatment, Narue Jaynelle Wright-Jegede
Parental Perception of Physician Cultural Sensitivity and Adherence to Asthma Treatment, Narue Jaynelle Wright-Jegede
Parental Perception of Physician Cultural Sensitivity and Adherence to Asthma Treatment, Narue Jaynelle Wright-Jegede
Decreasing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the Acute Care Setting, Marshanell Wright
Social Media Data Strategies Bankers Use to Increase Customer Market Share, Michelle Christine Wright
Enterprise Risk Management Strategies for Organizational Sustainability, Kaleb Matthew Wyma
Improving Piano Teaching at International Schools in a Suburban District of Beijing, Wei Xie
Influence of Low Rate of Reporting of Adverse Events Following Immunization on Immunization Dropout, Samuel Errie Yenyi
The Relation of Court Appointed Special Advocate Education to Foster Care Outcomes, Leah Danelle York
School Resource Officers and Student Arrest Inclination, Bill B. Young
School Resource Officers and Student Arrest Inclination, Bill B. Young
Mother Feeding Style and Health Outcomes of Children, Marie Youngblood
Hospital Admission from the Emergency Department for Patients Diagnosed with Heart Failure, Tammy Young
Hospital Admission from the Emergency Department for Patients Diagnosed with Heart Failure, Tammy Young
The Impact of Exercise During Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients, Diane Yu
Adherence to ART among HIV Infected Female Sex Workers in Nigeria, Abass Babatunde Yusuf
Effects of Police-Mental Health Collaborative Services on Calls, Arrests, and Emergency Hospitalizations, Sean Russel-Jacque Zauhar
Contributors to the Development of Intercultural Competence in Nursing Students, Esther Zazzi
Instructional Strategies Within a Blended Learning Model for At-Risk Students, Kim Marette Zeydel
Language Immersion Teachers' Perspectives of Foreign Language Learning for Students With Disabilities, Chunling Zhang
The Effect of Veteran Student Support Services on Veteran Students' Academic Achievement, Justin Michael Zickar