Innovation Strategies in Small Agrarian Businesses in Sierra Leone, Solomon Sorba Scholz
Teachers' Perceptions of the Adoption of New Pedagogies in Kazakhstan, Phillipa Schulleri
Program Evaluation of a Rich Media Implementation Program, Spencer Schultz
Success and Failure of Drug Rehabilitation: Pets Accompanying Clients to Treatment, Rikki Schwab
Child-Directed Play and Teacher Education Related to Preschool Suspension and Expulsion, Nicole Scienza
Insurance Coverage and Completion of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Series Among Hispanic Girls, Adrienne A. Scott
Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of U.S. Corporations by Incorporating a Foreign Trade Zones Strategy, Dino Adolfo Scott
Financial Management Strategies Used to Market Investment Services to Retiring Military Personnel, Douglas Dwayne Scott
Financial Management Strategies Used to Market Investment Services to Retiring Military Personnel, Douglas Dwayne Scott
Strategies to Implement Efficient Closing Cycles, Mary Christine Scott
Mentorship Programs, Depression Symptomatology, and Quality of Life, Tiesha L. Scott
Relationship Between Socialization Tactics, Military Cultural Competence, and Self-Efficacy of Service Providers Serving Veterans, Dorothy Ann Seabrook
Teachers' Perceptions About a High School Mastery-Based Learning Program, Robert Charles Searfoss
Strategies for Reducing Nonprofit Organizations' Employee Turnover, Tamara Michelle Searight
Predicting Spiritual and Religious Competence Based on Supervisor Practices and Institutional Attendance, Andrew Phillip Secor
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth Services in Urban Homeless Shelters, Rajahm Sellers
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth Services in Urban Homeless Shelters, Rajahm Sellers
Stakeholder Effects on Shaping Public Policy in Stormwater Management, Galates Sera
A Qualitative Approach to Transfer of Training for Managers in Leadership Development, Debra Devillier Severan
Transitioning from Student to Nurse Practitioner Using the One-Minute-Preceptor Model, Yetrevias Seymour
Teachers' Perception of Common Core State Standards on Students with Learning Disabilities, Sarah ShaBazz
Role of Stand-Alone Business Entities in Sustaining Newly Established Nonprofit Organizations, Sharif S. Shamroukh
Wright's Competency Model and Quality and Safety Competencies, Staci Shanks
Educational Plan for Correctional Officers to Increase Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus Among Inmates, Zaheerah Yasmeen Shareef
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Productivity of the Mercedes-Benz Production System, Derrick Tajuan Shaw