Barriers That Prevent Adult Latino Students from Attaining a College Degree, Laly J. Rodriguez
The Effect of Maternity Care Practices on the Duration of Breastfeeding, Lisette Rodriguez
Parental Behaviors of Mothers in Low Socioeconomic Hispanic Families, Melanie Ballardo Rodriguez
Recidivism Differences and Measures of Predictability for Federally Convicted Child Pornographers, Ricardo J. Rodriguez
Recidivism Differences and Measures of Predictability for Federally Convicted Child Pornographers, Ricardo J. Rodriguez
Staff Development Introducing Self-Care Within the Nurse Residency Curriculum, Lauren Elizabeth Rogers
Effectiveness of Yoga Therapy on Pain and Related Depression, Anxiety, Perceived Stress, and Quality of Life, Karen Romani
Cherokee College Students' Experiences with Cultural Incongruence on Primarily Whitestreamed Campuses, Matthew Rom
Adolescent Girls of Color and Leadership Development, Veronda Lea Rooks-Price
Rural Environmental Factors and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Mental Health Services Utilization, Terri Rorie
Effect of Service-learning Participation on High School Attendance and Science Achievement, Julia Roscoe
Sleep Deprivation in the Intensive Care Unit: Lowering Elective Intervention Times, La Von Michelle Ross Purdie
Impact of a Formal Mentorship Program on Frontline Nurse Managers, Tonya Ranee Roth
Care Intervention and Reduction of Emergency Department Utilization in Medicaid Populations, Eno J. Rouse
Pull and Push Factors That Influence a Student's Decision to Drop Out of School, Monica Ruth Rouse
Inferential Intuitive and Analytic Thought Processes in Criminal Investigative Decision, Melissa Ann Roy
The Regulatory Transformation in Using Medicinal Cannabis to Treat Disease in the United States, Kevin Rubin
Psychological Well-Being and Acculturation of Mexican Alumni of U.S. Colleges and Universities, Cynthia L. Ruelas
Civility Promotion Actions and Decisions of Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nurse Faculty, Brooke Stelle Russo
Improving Organizational Performance in Mixed Design Organizations Through Cultures of Trust, Mary M. Rydesky
HIV Risk-Reduction in Nonmarital Sexual Behavior Among Young Maldivian Males, Mohamed Elmunir Ahmed Safieldin
Efficacy, Risks, and Ethics of Aversive or Positive Therapy in Identical Twins, Jacqueline Salerno
Understanding Nonoffending Caregiver Protection in Child Sexual Abuse, Christina Lynn Sally
Social Networks and Sense of Community Effects on Psychological Distress Among Community X Residents, Marci A. Salone
Toxic Air Discharge and Infant Mortality: Effects of Community Size and Socioeconomics, Khabira Salter