"The Perceptions of Transgender Patients Toward Nursing Care" by Debra Ann Quenga

The Perceptions of Transgender Patients Toward Nursing Care

Debra Ann Quenga, Walden University


Transgender individuals present unique issues when seeking care that many nurses are not prepared for. Nursing education is lacking in transgender care for both nursing students and practicing nurses, which may delay care or lead to patients not disclosing their gender if they feel their needs are not understood or that there is bias toward them. Due to the limited research available, educators are not prepared to include transgender care in their nursing curricula, leading to a lack of knowledge and skills needed to care for this population. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of transgender patients toward the nurses who provide their care. The theoretical framework was Jean Watson's philosophy and science of caring. Using narrative inquiry, the eight participants told their stories and experiences while seeking care with nursing staff. Analysis was conducted using a codes to categories to themes approach resulting in assertions from the data. The results of this study indicated several key issues such as the nurses did not know how to provide care for the transgender patient, patients are providing education to the nurses, they are hesitant to disclose their gender status, and they do not feel safe when they do disclose their status. The results of this study provide an understanding on the perceptions of the transgender patient and provide information to nurses and nursing educators on the needs of the transgender community. Positive outcomes can also be improved care by knowing the needs of the transgender patient population, building trust, and providing a safe place to seek and receive competent care.