Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions of Closing the Math Achievement Gaps Between Black and White Students in Grades 3–5, Carla Shantell Waller
Black Women’s Lived Work Experiences and Work-Life Balance, Enjolique Walters
Success Factors Linking New Environmental Products With Academic Knowledge and Firm Knowledge Partnerships: An Examination of Biosurfactant Decision-Making Complexity, Cecilia Akinyi Wandiga
Perceptions of Secondary School Educators about English Language Learners Underrepresented in Career and Technical Education Programs, Nancy King Wang
Strategies for Successful Cybersecurity Implementation in New Jersey Public Schools, Michael Christopher Waranowicz
Strategies for Remaining Competitive Without Compromising Quality in the Aerospace Industry, Cornelius Jude Ward
Strategies to Reduce Business Costs Associated with Employee Financial Stress, Gordon Ward
Job Task Analysis: Exploring A Nonprofit Mental Health Administrative Staff’s Perceptions of Their Job Duties and Priorities, Ella Faye Warren
Qualitative Research to Create Fundraising Strategies for a Growing Nonprofit Organization, ROLANDA WARREN
Influence of Leader's Mental Health Skills on Emergency Call-taker and Dispatcher Well-Being, Chenetra Washington
It Takes a Village: Stories of Black Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Cherieda A. Washington
Examining the Mediating Role of Effort, Engagement, and Supervisory Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Burnout, Lance Washington
African American Children’s Risk of Long Covid-19 Syndrome Based on Daily Intake of Fruits and Vegetables, Christopher Joseph Waskewich
Strategies for Financial Stability of Nonprofit Organizations’ Supplemental Education Programs in Rural Tennessee, LaTia D. Watson
Leadership Practices and Instructional Strategies to Advance Student Achievement in Title 1 Elementary Schools, Paula Michelle Watson
Co-occurring Disorders in the Juvenile Justice System: Clinicians’ Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge, Wendi Watson
Exploring South Texas Teachers’ Perceptions of Challenges Implementing Blended Learning into their Classrooms, Lisa Mischelle Watts
Veterans Justice Outreach Program, Risk of Recidivism, and Justice-Involved Veterans, Melody C. Weathers
Veterans Justice Outreach Program, Risk of Recidivism, and Justice-Involved Veterans, Melody C. Weathers
Descriptive Study of Coordination and Treatment in West Virginia’s Behavioral/Mental Health Crisis, Samuel Gordon Weaver
Changes in Quality, Cost, Expenses Per Capita, and Beneficiaries of the Medicare Shared Savings Program, Vanessa Lee Weaver
The Association Between Dietary Flavonoid Intake and Cardiovascular Health Indicators in Women Aged 45 to 65, Melissa Wedel
The Relationship Between Racial Discrimination, Self-Efficacy, and Imposter Syndrome Among Black Counseling Students, DeeDee Priscilla Wednesday
Exploring Parent Engagement in School-Based Behavioral Health Programs, Tina Marie Wehner Hickman