Date of Conferral
Date of Award
May 2024
Counselor Education and Supervision
Victoria Sepulveda
While several studies have reviewed the experiences of Black grandparent caregivers, there are limited sources that describe the stories of Black grandparents who are caregivers for their grandchildren and the challenges they face. Utilizing the concepts from Bowen family systems theory, the goal of this study was to explore the stories of Black grandparents who are caregivers for their grandchildren to discover preventive and enhanced counseling techniques for the next generation. Data were collected and analyzed from narrative inquiry interviews with six participants who were Black caregivers for their grandchildren in the state of Mississippi. After analysis of the data, four themes were identified: (a) strong and unwavering faith, (b) a sense of responsibility and obligation, (c) the importance of respect, and (d) ongoing challenges. The findings of this study further revealed what has worked for Black grandparents and assisted positive social change in grandparents’ worldview of the challenges they face in raising their grandchildren while providing foundations toward developing firsthand and effective counseling interventions in family therapy and training for counseling professionals.
Recommended Citation
Washington, Cherieda A., "It Takes a Village: Stories of Black Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 15853.