The Mediating Role of Happiness on Marital Satisfaction in Couples Experiencing Mental Health Challenges, Stacey Stafford
Optimizing Training for Master's-Level Clinicians in Behavioral Health Private Practice, Candace Starks
Challenges Black Males Face at Predominantly White Institutions, Jerrell LaMon Starling
Challenges Black Males Face at Predominantly White Institutions, Jerrell LaMon Starling
Counselors’ Experience with Male Opioid Abuse Clients with Anxiety and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sheila J. Stauffer
Southeastern South Carolina K-12 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Difficulties in Implementing an Arts-Based Initiatives, Alexis P. Steedman
Southeastern South Carolina K-12 Teachers’ Perceptions of the Difficulties in Implementing an Arts-Based Initiatives, Alexis P. Steedman
Perceptions of Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitized and Reprocessing for those Diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Megan C. Stefanelli
Exploring the Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Elementary Public-School Educators’ Willingness to Remain in Teaching, Lynnette K. Steinhoff
Prekindergarten Teachers’ Perspectives Regarding Kindergarten Readiness in Childcare Centers, Adrienne Dominic Stephens
Prekindergarten Teachers’ Perspectives Regarding Kindergarten Readiness in Childcare Centers, Adrienne Dominic Stephens
ADHD and Chronic Anhedonia: Antecedents of Treatment-Resistant Depression and Suicidality in Adults, Tia Sternat
Community-Based Nonprofit Approach to Period Poverty Among Women and Girls in Shelby County, Tennesse, Rosalind Stevenson
Perspectives of Middle School Science Teachers and College Instructors Regarding Preservice Writing Pedagogy Preparation, Amanda Stewart
Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies, Nordia Natacha Stewart
Early Childhood Teachers’ Perspectives on the Challenges of Teaching Students Who Lack Age-Appropriate Social and Emotional Skills, Rachel Ann Stewart
Strategies for Integrating Open Innovation Practices for Small Businesses, Shannon Stewart
Individual Risk Factors Associated with Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infections Among African American Women in California, Paula St Hill
Gender Differences in Kindergarten Students’ Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors and the Role of Inhibitory Control, Joy Ann Stickney-McDonald
Gender Differences in Kindergarten Students’ Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors and the Role of Inhibitory Control, Joy Ann Stickney-McDonald
Successful Asian Immigrant Businesses’ Strategies, Claretta Taylor Stokes
Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Digital Piracy in the Media Industry, Nakia Stokes
Strategies Leaders of Small Businesses Use to Develop and Implement Succession Plans, Selma Daphne St. Prix
High Functioning Females and Dating, Myla M. Streander
Strategies to Reduce Truck Driver Turnover, Thomas Antoine Streeter