Doctoral-Level Practitioner’s Views and Opinions Regarding the Use of Social Networking Sites in Criminal Responsibility Evaluations, Jillian LaFrance
Strategies Small-to-Medium Sized Family Businesses Leaders Use to Expand Beyond Domestic Markets, Suresh Lakshmikanthan
Vendor Managed Inventory: Mitigating the Negative Impact on Cash Flow Caused by Inefficient Inventory Management, Scott Alan Lambert
Child Protective Services Workers' Decision Making and Risk Management, Heath Nicholas Landress
Strategies for Small U.S. Software Companies to Reduce Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Employee Turnover, Michael William Landreth
Strategies for Small U.S. Software Companies to Reduce Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Employee Turnover, Michael William Landreth
African American Family Structure of Caring for a Member with Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Sherry Lane Perry
Head Start Teachers’ and Administrators’ Perceptions of Reasons for Elevated Teacher Turnover Rates, Amanda Renea Lankford
British Columbia Teachers’ Beliefs and Experiences on Implementing Social and Emotional Learning, Lori Larkin
A Qualitative Study of County Political Party Response to the Top-two Primary in Washington State, Lori Larsen
Senior Managers’ Perception of Inclusion Management Policy Implementation, Regina Lassey
Improving the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers Electronic Health Record Implementation, Rodney James Laster
Parental Knowledge of Signs, Symptoms, and Risk Factors Associated with Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Adolescent Athletes, Lisa A. Lattera-Hughes
Factors Affecting the Quality of Reporting Dispensing Errors Among Pharmacists, Kelley Latrece Lavallais
Public Benefits Access and Use Among Low-Income Individuals in Dover, Delaware, Kofoworola Lawal
Nursing Staff Retention, Turnover Intention, and Job Satisfaction in California Nursing Home Facilities, Dr. Selene E.A Laws
Nursing Staff Retention, Turnover Intention, and Job Satisfaction in California Nursing Home Facilities, Dr. Selene E.A Laws
Executive Summary: Staff Education Project Staff Education Regarding Menopause Hormonal Use in a Women's Clinic, Patricia Leal
The Lived Experiences of Clinical Supervision for Stress Mitigation Among Master’s Counseling Students in Internship, Marcia Kay LeBeau
Novice Kindergarten Through Second-Grade Teachers’ Perspectives of Their Preparedness to Teach Students to Read, Shanell Lee-Angry
The Effects of Spirituality and Social Support on Posttraumatic Growth in BIPOC Communities Following the August 2016 Flooding Event in Baton Rouge, LA, Danielle Lorena Lee
Experiences of Queer Female Counselor Educators: An Intersectional Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Caryn Leonard-Wilde
Impact of Case Management Models on Congestive Heart Failure Patients’ Length of Stay and Readmissions, Kyleigh Camp Lesson
Elementary Principals’ Instructional Support to Teach Science, Alfred Lewis