Female Incest Survivors’ Perceptions of Cognitive Processing Therapy in a Group Setting, Julie Kerley
Elementary Administrators’ Perceptions Regarding Student Discipline, Deirdre Shantay Keys-Brownlee
Aligning Gulf Cooperation Council’s Humanitarian Assistance With International Good Donorship Practices, Khaled Khalifa Khalifa
Staff Education to Increase Staff Awareness on How Personal Trauma Affects Responses During Restraints, Marygoretti Kibe
Demographic Characteristics as Moderators for the Association Between Cigarette Smoking and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Aregash Tewoldeberhan Kidane
Teachers’ Perceptions of Contributing Factors to, and Strategies for Addressing, Academic Disengagement Among Minority Middle School Students, Aster Kifle-Thompson
K–2 Teachers’ Perspectives on Managing Student Behaviors in Inclusive Classrooms, Hailey Camp Kilcrease
Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of RTI2 Implementation for Special Education Students in Southwest Tennessee, Dennis Lee Kimbrough
Secure Implementation of SIP Trunks for Voice: A Qualitative Study, Mary C. Kiser
Leadership Strategies for Reducing Medical Errors, Jill Kitasato
Leadership Strategies for Reducing Medical Errors, Jill Kitasato
University Counselor Experiences with the Surge in Mental Healthcare Demand in the United States, Julie Christe Knight
A Staff Education Program on Managing COVID-19 in a Correctional Setting, Mary Catherine Knight
Patient Care Assistants making meaning of their work in nursing homes, Justina Mae Elizabeth Knowles
Investigating Effective Instructional Strategies to Increase Reading Comprehension of ELLs, Caroline Kosho
Transition Education Designees’ Perceptions of Implementing Effective Transition Services for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cynthia Kososki
Comparison of Kindergarten Readiness Outcomes for Two Preschool Accreditation Systems, Amanda Krause DiScala
Effective Strategies Nonprofit Leaders Use to Reduce Employee Turnover Costs, Amy Carroll Kreidemaker
Prompting Effective Learning Pathways: Applied Behavior Analysis in Practice, Brandie Ann Kretzschmar
Minority Small Business Owner Perceptions of Coronavirus Policies in Metropolitan Washington, DC, Amara Omar Kuyateh
Replacing Traditional Labs with Virtual Labs for First-Year Biology Nonmajors, Tyjuanna R. Strickland LaBennett
Perceptions of Patient-Healthcare Provider Relationships in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes, DESIREE D. LACEY
Lived Experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Helping Professionals, Shairee Lackey
Female Leaders’ Lived Experience of Transitioning to Leaders of Knowledge Workers in a Hybrid Workplace Model, Jennifer Amy Ladouceur