Psychotherapists’ Attitudes Toward and Experiences With E-therapy in Trinidad and Tobago, Adeola C. James
Interventions Human Service Professionals Provide to Prevent Human Trafficking, Danielle James
Strategies for Building Supply Chain Resilience and Sustainability Within Law Enforcement, Vladimir Walter Jankov
Effect of Formal Toileting Programs on Urinary Tract Infection Rates in Long Term Care, Deborah Jeanmarie
Entrepreneurial Mental Well-Being: Strategies for Positive Business Outcomes, Shanna A. Jefferson
Effective Strategies to Sustain Small African American Beauty Salon Business Beyond 5 Years, Sherwanna Jefferson
Social Desirability and Relational Self-Esteem in Adults that Experienced Childhood Peer Victimization, Trisha Jeffers
Educators' Perspectives on Implementing Restorative PracticesWith Fidelity in the Primary Classroom., Kelly Erin Jenkins
The Experience of Grief, Coping, and Community in Black Families and Friends of Homicide Victims, Rachel A. Jenkins
The Experience of Grief, Coping, and Community in Black Families and Friends of Homicide Victims, Rachel A. Jenkins
The Relationship Between Endorsement of Symptoms of PTSD and Perceived Level of Family Issues in Law Enforcement Officers, Falicia J. Jensen
A Comparison of Public, Private, and Charter Educator Beliefs About Autistic Students Abilities, Jodene Ruth Jensen
Institutional Logics Influencing Human Services Nonprofit Board Members Adoption or Nonadoption of Good Ethical Governance, Cynthia Felici Jewell
Teaching SBIRT to Nurses in a Mental Health Setting for Improved Assessment and Management of Patients With Substance Use Disorders, Kifle Gashie Jikamo
The Lived Experience of Psychological Suffering in Animal/Environmental Activists, Pamela Jimenez
Barriers to Housing for Female Veterans who Have Been Homeless After Transitioning from the Military, Angelika Johnson
Exploring the Experiences of African American Women Parents’ Role Regarding Financial Socialization in Sacramento, California., Anita Renee Johnson
Type 2 Diabetes as a Risk Factor for the Development of Cognitive Dysfunction in U.S. Adults, Bobbi Johnson
Voters’ Perception of Public Corruption and Low Voter Turnout: A Qualitative Case Study of Cook County, Dawn Merdelin Johnson
Black Male Initiatives’ Effect on Black Male Persistence and Graduation, ERIC DEVON JOHNSON
Music Educators' Experiences Integrating Jazz Studies Into the Music Curriculum, Gail Johnson
Public School and District Leaders’ Understanding of Cybersecurity Practices and Policies, jaye-jaye johnson
Exploring the Relationship Between Organized Sports Participation and Alcohol Experimentation in Children Aged 9 and 10, Kristina Johnson
Exploring the Relationship Between Organized Sports Participation and Alcohol Experimentation in Children Aged 9 and 10, Kristina Johnson
Teachers' Perspectives of Declining Student Performance in K-3 Grade Reading, Mae Lee Johnson