Relationship Between Parent Asthma Knowledge, Parental Control of Child's Asthma, and Parent QoL, Glori Sommerer
Food Advertisements and Access to Primary Care and the Impact on Family Food Decisions Made by Women, Linda Soriano-Copelin
Effective Strategies Processing Companies Use to Sustain Business Operations Beyond 5 Years, Travis C. Souders
Childhood Blood Lead Levels and Adolescent Crime Rates in the United States, Jude Juiye Soweh
The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Days Absent of Registered Nurses, Vitina Rita Speciale-Olmo
Relationship Between Computer-Assisted Instruction and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools, Kelly Denise Speed
Strategies to Increase Per Capita Consumption of Rosé Wines, Debbian Rose-Marie Spence-Minott
HIV Prevention: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, Sexual Decision Making, Risk Taking, and Condoms, Jonathan D. Spencer
Undercover Law Enforcement Operatives’ Perceptions of Post Critical Incident Mental Health Services, David B. Spinella
Aligning Counseling Center Behavioral Health Outcomes with Overall College Outcomes, Lorrie Ann Spivey
Barriers That Influence the Underuse of Mental Health Services by African Americans Diagnosed With Schizophrenia, Pamela Gail Stackhouse-Hinsey
Small Business Leaders’ Strategies for Recruiting Veterans, Jamillah DeAngela Stackhouse
Relationship Between Virtual Employee Engagement, Self-Efficacy, and Productivity, Centelle St Aimee
Principals’ Perceptions of Administrative Preparedness for Implementation of Project-Based Learning, Johane St Aime
Leadership Strategies for Improving Employee Retention in the Fast Food Industry, Hope J. Stallworth
Predictors of Substance Abuse Counselor Self-Efficacy when Working with Dually Diagnosed Clients, Nievel Stanisclaus
Strategies Leaders in Nonprofit Organizations Use to Expand Capacity, Reginald A. Stanley
Treatment Interventions for Tobacco Cessation at an Inpatient Mental Health Facility, Stephanie Marie Stansell
Intercultural Communication Between African American Managers and Hispanic Workers with ESL, Reva Ann Stanton
Caseworkers' Perspectives on Female Juvenile Delinquent Rehabilitation Based on Age Groups, Cynthia Stephens
Strategies to Improve Millennial Employees’ Engagement Within the Hospitality Industry, Duane Stephens
Probation and Parole Officers’ Experiences Addressing Criminogenic Needs of Adult Felony Offenders, Maria L. Stephenson
Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Performance of Small Businesses, Melva Steps
Predictors of Postdivorce Adjustment in the Orthodox Jewish Population, Judah Stern
Age Differences in Effect of Collaboration of Care Activities on Student Behaviors, Ronda Lynn Stevens