How High School Teachers in Guam Use Facebook for Instructional Purposes to Promote Interactions, Sanjay Sharma
Factors Affecting the Customer Relationship Management System Implementation Process, Enshrah Shashoug
Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Direct Care Workers Working with Juveniles, Brittany Anne Shaughnessy
Stress and Coping Methods in Law Enforcement Personnel, Brandon M. Sheard
How Feminist Beliefs Relate to Self-Objectification in African American Females, Ashton Shelby
How Feminist Beliefs Relate to Self-Objectification in African American Females, Ashton Shelby
Differences in Financial Literacy Across Generations, Audra R. Sherwood
Tupumenu Women’s Persistence in Namibia's National Adult Literacy Program, Mathilde Shihako
Employment of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study of Time Management and Job Training Skills, Lynn E. Shoemaker
Attitudes on International Standards for Criminal Hacking in the Public and Private Sector, Melinda Shoemaker
Therapeutic Wilderness Experiences and Empathetic Perception of At-Risk Adolescent Youth, Sandra Short-Robbins
Therapeutic Wilderness Experiences and Empathetic Perception of At-Risk Adolescent Youth, Sandra Short-Robbins
Media Exposure to Crime, Fear of Crime, and Social Interaction Anxiety, Genea Shoulders
Factors Associated With Incarceration of Adolescents With Learning Disabilities, Sabine Silien Charles
Catholic and Evangelical Religious-Political Narratives About the Contraceptive Coverage Requirement Policy, Leah Marie Silverman
Socioeconomic and Sociocultural Factors Associated with Parenting Choice and Fertility Experience Among Lesbian and Nonlesbian Women, Annette Silvia
Systematic Review of Loss-Frame Messaging and Change in Health Behavior, Eddie Jean Simmons
Employee Retention Strategies in U.S. College and Universities, Michael Louis Simmons
Subsidized Rental Income, Nonrental Income, and Profitability in Tax Credit Development Companies, Samuel Simmons
Strategies for Implementing Human Resource Information Systems for Nonprofit Organizations, Katharina Simms
The Relationship Between Professional Development, Instruction, and Student Achievement in Elementary Mathematics, Linsey Sims
The Lived Experiences of Online Therapists Maintaining Ethical Boundaries, Talia Singer
Gender Ideology and Impressions Toward Opposite-Gendered Coworkers, Pamela Singleton
Understanding the Experiences of Young Adults Receiving Community-Based Eating Disorder Care, Hali Sitarz