Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)




Diane M. Dusick


The turnover of skilled employees in the fast food industry results in significant yearly financial losses to organizations across the United States. Applying the findings in this study may help business leaders improve best practices in fast food industries in order to minimize employee turnover. Grounded in the expectancy motivation theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore strategies 5 transformational business leaders in southern Mississippi used to improve employee retention in a fast food restaurant. Data collection included semistructured face-to-face interviews and an assessment of the company’s documents (e.g., employee handbook, training manual, and vision and mission statements). Using Yin’s 5 steps of analysis led to three central themes: communication, positive reinforcement, and training. A key recommendation for business leaders in the fast food industry is to cultivate a work setting that fosters open communication. The implications for positive social change include increasing business leaders’ understanding of retention strategies, which could enhance the overall success of their organization and stabilize the local community by reducing unemployment rates.
