Relationship Between Community College Students’ Socioeconomic Status, Completing Reading Strategies Courses, and English Achievement, Renee Bothwell
Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Input into Important Campus Decision Making, Amy Jane Boughton
CEO/CFO of Rural Area Nonprofits’ Experiences with Obtaining Grant Funding, Kimberly Michelle Bounds
Factors That Influence African American Millennials’ Knowledge of Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, Ta'Leitheia K. Boutin
The Relationship Between Anxiety, Anger, and Family Problems in Law Enforcement, Breanna Bower
Perceptions and Experiences of Teacher Professionalism Among Prospective Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago, Cheryl Maggie Bowrin
Nurses’ Attitudes and Knowledge Differences Toward Pain in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease, Peggy Boyd
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Treatment Protocol for Telehealth, Lisa Bozzoli
Examining Barriers to Technology Integration Practices of K-12 Teachers, Sherri N. Brackett
Implementation of Developmental Feedback as a Performance Strategy in Small Businesses, Angela Lynette Bradford
Teacher Experiences with Technology Use After the Pandemic, Amanda Brady
Teacher Experiences with Technology Use After the Pandemic, Amanda Brady
Strategies Cybersecurity Professionals Use to Mitigate Cybersecurity Threats in Small Businesses, Michael Bert Branham
Perceptions of Competence Development in the Field of Gerontology and Dementia, Janice Braxton
Effects of Personality on the Relationship Between Hybrid Work Characteristics and Employee Engagement, Cassandra J. Brewer
How Secondary Disciplinary Teachers Integrate Literacy Strategies to Improve Outcomes on State Assessments, Miracle T. Brewington
Graduate-Level Occupational Therapy Educators’ Experiences and Barriers While Implementing Trauma-Informed Approaches, Sean Michael Brim
How Physicians’ Perceptions of Satisfaction and Morale Affect Retention, Ernest George Britton
Relationship Between Counselor Educators’ Intrinsic Religiosity, Multicultural Counseling Competence, and Spiritual Competence, Theresa Lynn Brixius
Female Entrepreneurs' Strategies for Obtaining Startup Funding, Twana L. Broadway
Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruptions in Manufacturing Enterprises, Aikins Brobbey
Financial Strategies for the Survival of Immigrant Latinx-Owned Small Businesses, Brenda Rios Brombacher
Lived Experiences and Tuition Discounting of Private Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Angelia Le Dawn Brooks
Secondary Educators’ Perspectives on Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices, Quiana Brooks-Curry
Elementary School Counselors’ Experiences Using Restorative Practices in Bullying Prevention, Janelle H. Brooks