Electronic Benefit Transfer: Food Choices, Food Insecurity, and Type 2 Diabetes, Diana Louise Malkin-Washeim
Factors That Motivate Millennial Public Servants in the Workplace, Lisa Maria Mallory
Factors Contributing to the Limited Use of Information Technology in State Courtrooms, Concetta Manker
Differentiating Demographic Factors in Latino Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Carol Lynne Manning
Understanding Faith Leaders' Perspectives on Breast Health Interventions in the Church, Marsha LaDonna Marshall
Examining School Culture and Resources as Predictors of the Implementation of Evidence-Based Intervention, Cassandra L. Martinez
Leadership and Decision Making: Breaking Labor's Tradition to Win National Health Reform, Robyn Martin
Reducing Challenging Behaviors in Intellectually Disabled Individuals: A Comparison of Organizational Culture and Treatment Approach, Frances Mascolo-Glosser
Diffusion of Electronic Health Records in Rural Primary Care Clinics, Patricia Lynn Mason
Intervention Strategies to Decrease Discipline Issues in an Urban pre-K-8 Public School, Wendy Mason
The Role of Nursing Practice in Promoting Sleep During Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Jill Massengale
Resiliency and Maternal Self-Efficacy of Single African American Mothers: A Qualitative Study, Danielle Beatrice Massey
Silence Improves Anxiety Levels and Test Scores Among Children With Disabilities, Hanna Matatyaho
Analysis of an Early Intervention Reading Program for First Grade Students, Elizabeth Nicole Matthews
A Phenomenological Examination: African American Women and Low Cervical Cancer Screening Attendance, Leslie G. Matthews
Increasing Productivity of Retained Employees After a Workforce Reduction, Jason Michael Matyus
Technology as a Health Intervention and the Self-Efficacy of Men, Karen Denise Maxwell
An Exploration of Human Resource Personnel and Toxic Leadership, Sabrina Michele Maxwell
Physicians' Perceptions and Practice Regarding the Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the ICU, Marilyn Keng-Nasang Mbi Feh
Retention in Nursing Programs: Factors Contributing to the Success of ESL Students, Patience Jegbefu Mbulu
Increasing School Commitment by Listening to Veteran Teachers' Needs and Concerns, Carrie McAtee
The Impact of Prebirth Education on Childbirth Decision Making, Bessie Mae McCants
Elementary School Teachers' Levels of Concern with Disruptive Student Behaviors in the Classroom, Jacquline McCaskey
Law Enforcement Officer Performance, Education, and Risk for Suicide, April James McCommon
School Administrator and Staff Member Perceptions of a Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program, Sharon Lacretia McConnell-Smith