Educating Medical-Surgical/Staff Nurses to Improve Nursing Knowledge of Patient Education, Focusing on Health Literacy, Justin Thomas Loew
READ 180 Evaluation: Balanced Literacy in a Low-Income, Underperforming Urban High School, Daniel Lombardi
Second Chance for School Dropouts in Kenya through Adult Education, Lombo Lombo
A Case Study of Respect among Young Urban African American Men, Morgan Zenobia London
Bright Facet Sign and its Association with Demographic and Clinical Variables, Gary Andrew Longmuir
Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Response-to-Intervention Program, Alfred Saldivar Lopez
School Climate, Developmental Assets, and Academic Success in KIPP Hispanic Students, Rebecca Elaine Lopez
Sustainability of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Benefits Postimplementation: An Individual User Perspective, Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Badreldin Lotfy
Student Success and Reading Comprehension, Laura Theresa Lottes-Bishop
Barriers to Help Seeking for Lesbian Victims of Intimate Partner Violence, Maria Joanne Lovett
Creating Professional Learning Programs that Recognize Teachers as Adult Learners, Nicole Marie Lowe
The Deterrent Effect of Disciplinary Segregation on Prison Inmate Misconduct, Joseph William Lucas
Correlation Analysis of Climatic Variables, Migration and Dengue Cases in Southeast Florida, Brunilda Lugo
Medical Academia Conflict of Interest Policy and Potential Impact on Research Funding, Michael Keith Maahs
Childhood Hearing Loss and its Stress on Hearing Families, Julie Macker
Communication Constructs That Influence Information Technology Project Failure, Vanessa Lajuan Ruth Mackey
Barriers to Receiving the Influenza Vaccine in Adults 65 Years and Older, Melissa Madalone
Elementary (K-5) Teachers' Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction, Christopher Maddox
Student Perceptions of Biology Teachers' Interpersonal Teaching Behaviors and Student Achievement, Victor N. Madike
The Influence of Nursing Home Administrator Turnover on Resident Quality of Life, Juliet Iheoma Madubata
The Burqa Ban in France and Its Potential Implications on Islamic Terrorism, Ifeanyi Valentine Madu
An Educational Program for Nurses on Therapeutic Misconception in the Oncology Setting, Debra Magnanelli
Teacher Perceptions of Common Core-Based Evaluations for Students With Cognitive Impairments, Pamela Marie Majerus
Physician Assistants' Preventive Medicine Practices and Related Habits, Attitudes, and Beliefs, Judia Yael Malachi
Qualitative Case Study on F-35 Fighter Production Delays Affecting National Security Guidance, Monique Marie Maldonado