A Health Care Management Organization's Internal Controls Strategy for Managed Care, Elizabeth E. David
Reducing Heart Failure Readmissions through Staff Education, Christopher Davio
Organizational Culture as a Predictor of Counselors’ Wellness, Ashley Nicole Davis
Elementary Reading Teachers' Perceptions About Differentiated Instruction, Cathy Marie Davis
Importance of Early Recognition of Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS) in a Community Mental Health Clinic, Jamil E. Davis
Successful Marketing Strategies for Small Business Sustainability, Jasmine Davis
Sudden Leadership Loss and the Importance of Succession Planning in Behavioral Health Care, Angela R. Dawson
The Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Organizational Identification: A Correlational Research Study, Paschal L. Dawson
Chronic Pain Management in the Primary Care Setting, Rebecca Ann Day
Telehealth Efforts to Reduce Hospital Readmissions of Congestive Heart Failure Patients, Sirfornia L. Deasfernandes
Best practices for screening and Early treatment for HIV in the Hispanic Community, juliana deboviel
An Interpretive Qualitative Study of Idaho Head Start Families Facing Food Insecurity, Sherry Deiter
Treatment Plans for Diabetes Management During Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Joel De La Cruz Oller
Strategies for Recruiting Volunteers in the Nonprofit Sector, Marsha Delahaye
Social Media and Customer Engagement: Customer Relations in a Digital Era, Nadia Delanoy
Perspectives of Colombian Higher Education Deans and Faculty Directors on Transformational Leadership, Darling Viviana Delgado Alban
Teacher Twitter Participation for Reflection on Pedagogical Practices, Jeanette Delgado
Teacher Twitter Participation for Reflection on Pedagogical Practices, Jeanette Delgado
Measuring Levels of Posttraumatic Growth in Firefighters, Anna Lisa De Lima
Family Rejection and Unprotected Sex inLatino Gay Men, Juan Alejandro De Llano Montano
Gay-Affirmative Social Work Practice with Homeless Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth, Aissa Deloatch-Williams
Modern Costing Strategies for Improved Profitability in Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses, Jennifer Kelly DeMoras
Using Student Engagement and Reengagement to Reduce Chronic School Absenteeism, Janet Lassiter Dennis
Differences in Turnover Intentions Between Nonmillennials and Millennials in Nonprofit Organizations, Kevin Allen Dennis
Strategies for Business Management Innovations to Improve Competitiveness, Roger George Denousse